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Sharing my "new" idea the "ComputerCraft Web Bridge"


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Hope I'm not reviving the post, i've made some changes to the program so it will not overload the *cof*free*cof* web server and will not crash it every hour, also im gonna be working on this project this month so i hope to bring you a really better system than this (its pretty weird i know).
Ive been testing for about an hour and it don't seem to be throubling by the moment so feel free to test it, hopefully i can implement cookies (or something similar) tomorrow so you dont have to be writting and writting that key code (sorry for that but im very tired and tomorrow i go to work and school)
Here the (mini) changelog
  • Changed (again) the web server to a brand new one
  • Changed web side login system to a simple key asking system, you only need the computer key to access the info
  • Changed a bit the code so it won't overload the web server
  • Still only allows visualization of inventories
  • Edited install instructions on the main post

Right now im working on the energy storage system (ic2) and trying to get a better gui on the web client side

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