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How does it work?


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I am a little hesitant about downloading anything when it comes to Minecraft, because...well I'm not the most tech savvy person. Though tekkit really is interesting looking from game footage and stuff like that, I was wondering...how doe sit work? like, what do you have to do when you install it and, do I have to host a server or others or something...I'm not too sure how to word it well...umm...can I just open up my minecraft and then go to single player and just play or is there something different. I'm just really confused as to how it works is all. if someone could give me a bit of a description or whatnot, or even direct me to where I can read about it a little more, that would be awesome! 


Thanks in advance for the info and help!

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If you just want to play single-player, you download the Launcher from the website.

Put the icon somewhere where you'll be using it from. Either your desktop or in your "Games" folder, or anywhere you like.


When you first start it, it'll be installing the launcher to your system.

If all went well, there should be several icons on a scrolling list on the left. These are all the available packs. (Tekkit, Hexxit, BigDig, Attack of the B-Team, etc.)


Now, make sure the  pack you want to play is in the middle of the 5 visible icons. For good measure, click on it too!

Before you can click "Play", you'll need to log in with your Minecraft or Mojang account. (If you still have a Minecraft account, use your Username. If you have a Mojang account, use the email address you used to register with.)


Once you've logged in, you can click play and the pack will install. Once it's done installing, it should launch just fine.

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