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Minecraft Profile Manager With Technic Launcher Tutorial



I know some people have no need for this however I find it useful both for different profiles for minecraft and i have a couple for technic one for recommended release and one for dev release.

First of all you will need: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/540449-minecraft-profile-manager/

Once you have that downloaded and extracted to the folder of your choice put the minecraft.exe and the technic-launcher-v0.2.exe in the same folder.

next you want to open up the mineProc.bat in note pad or any similar application.

delete what is in there and put this in

@echo on

set y=TL

set x=%1%

if [%1]==[] (

 echo 'no folder specified'

 goto end 


set x=%x:~0,2%

echo %x%


set PROFDIR=profiles

set NAPPDATA=%~dp0%PROFDIR%\%1


if [%x%]==[%y%] (


 goto :end


if NOT [%x%]==[%y%] (


 goto :end




Now when making a profile for the technic launcher have it named as TLProfileName

E.G mine are TLRec and TLDev

Aslong as it has TL infront of it, it will launch the technic launcher instead. any without TL infront will launch with the normal minecraft launcher.

if anyone has any problems with this reply here and I will get back to you as soon as i can.

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