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About jampot5000

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

jampot5000's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. thank you code monk forgot about the space in program files my bad
  2. you do not have java in your path variable im not going to explain how to do this as it will confuse most people The easiest way is to open the .bat file in notepad and change the word java to C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe but first check this folder exists it could also be any of these and possibly more: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
  3. Wrong forum Why don't you read the stickies, it has also been posted loads before so also try searching, you need to extract computercraft from the zip and delete the zip but also need to change some ids for the disks to work properly so check this post BUG FIXES
  4. In default tekkit if you try to use the NEI enchant feature by pressing X this will bring up the Transmutation Tablet GUI. To fix this open mod_EE.props in both your client and server and change TransmutationGUI=152 to TransmutationGUI=157
  5. You wouldn't be able to save them for future updates: [list type=decimal] [li]Some of the config files are edited by the technic team for block ids[/li] [li]When mods update the config files are sometimes changed by the mod creator[/li] so you would end up with old defunct config files and a broken technic pack
  6. also i'd like to point out for all of you using a 32bit system you cannot allocate more than about 1.7gb of ram if you try to give it 2gb it will default to 256mb
  7. It should only be empty if u have not run the technic pack before opening it, u have to actually load the game, for the file to be filled with the list of mods.
  8. I know some people have no need for this however I find it useful both for different profiles for minecraft and i have a couple for technic one for recommended release and one for dev release. First of all you will need: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/540449-minecraft-profile-manager/ Once you have that downloaded and extracted to the folder of your choice put the minecraft.exe and the technic-launcher-v0.2.exe in the same folder. next you want to open up the mineProc.bat in note pad or any similar application. delete what is in there and put this in @echo on set y=TL set x=%1% if [%1]==[] ( echo 'no folder specified' goto end ) set x=%x:~0,2% echo %x% setlocal set PROFDIR=profiles set NAPPDATA=%~dp0%PROFDIR%\%1 set APPDATA=%NAPPDATA% if [%x%]==[%y%] ( TechnicLauncher-v0.2.exe goto :end ) if NOT [%x%]==[%y%] ( Minecraft.exe goto :end ) endlocal :end Now when making a profile for the technic launcher have it named as TLProfileName E.G mine are TLRec and TLDev Aslong as it has TL infront of it, it will launch the technic launcher instead. any without TL infront will launch with the normal minecraft launcher. if anyone has any problems with this reply here and I will get back to you as soon as i can.
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