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To my assumption I would say its because you have no idea on how to use a forum you somehow think that this forum operates like the minecraft forums. You have made threads that have no value you are breaking rules by doing this, same with this thread it is meaningless. Reading your posts you complain about a spelling mistake when its clear you are not so refined in spelling or grammar.

Long story short you are unable to read the forum rules and follow them that would be the reason you are treated that way, understand?

Probation is when someone is given time off in your case you had a few days banned from the forum, I figure. And then you return not learning from your mistake I hope this post has made it clear to you.


It means you did something stupid and were punished. You were not able to post for a short time. Your probation seems to be over, otherwise you wouldn't be able to post. You can go ahead and change your avatar to something else now.

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