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in 2.0.1 i banned items by adding " - -commandbook.items.#" (#=item number).

this made it so the item was stil in the game, but people couldnt craft it.

this doesnt seem to work in 3.0.3, how would you advice me how to block a item?

i got modifyworld installed but disabled, could it be done with that?

plugin list:

17:35:44 [iNFO] Plugins (56): mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons, mod_BuildCraftEnergy,

mod_RedPowerWiring, mod_BuildCraftCore, mod_ImmibisCore, mod_BuildCraftFactory,

mod_NetherOres, dynmap, mod_CraftingTableIII, mod_EE, mod_TubeStuff, mod_CCTurtl

e, mod_IC2NuclearControl, mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower, mod_CompactSolars, mod_W

irelessRedstoneCore, mod_IronChest, mod_IC2_ChargingBench, mod_MinecraftForge, W

orldEdit, Towny, mod_RedPowerControl, PermissionsEx, mod_IC2, Questioner, mod_Bu

ildCraftBuilders, mod_RedPowerMachine, mod_RedPowerLighting, Mail, mod_RedPowerW

orld, SignEdit, mod_ComputerCraft, iConomy, mod_BuildCraftTransport, mod_NotEnou

ghItems, ChopTree2, mod_PowerConverters, mod_AdditionalPipes, mod_IC2AdvancedMac

hines, mod_Railcraft, BKCommonLib, mod_RedPowerCore, mod_RedPowerLogic, mod_EnderStorage, mod_CodeChickenCore, WorldBorder, CommandBook, Register,

HawkEye, NoLagg, TownyChat, ChatManager, LWC, DeadMansChest, ChestShop

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