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Redstone torches not behaving correctly?



Launcher/pack Version: Tekkit 3.0.3 Server

Operating System: Windows 7

Description of Problem: I'm not sure if I missed an update or what, but my redstone torches don't seem to behaving properly. I did a search for 'redstone torches' and found nothing so looks like this is probably going to be my fault. Basically whenever I put a torch on a block and send power to it, it will react and turn off, but changing the signal a second time or any other after gives no reaction.

The follow pictures are of what Im struggling to build at the moment, a 3x3 spiral door which I have created 4 times previously with success. The setup shown is using a T-flipflop connected to pressure plates on either side of the door, the main problem is the redstone torch sitting a bit to the left of pictures 1 and 2 with a repeater powering the block it's sitting on and showing no reaction.

Along with this I've also still had the problem of my magnetizers reacting once upon being built and never again after the first unless I manually right click on the magnetizer multiple times.

And on one last note, a problem I didn't report before as I worked around it was that an area I had redstone and redstone repeaters on was blown up by an overheated combustion engine, after replacing the repeaters they continued to stay powered with no visible power supply, but if moved one block in any direction except into that of another previous repeater they would not be powered and behaved correctly.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and especially to any advice/help.





5 answers to this question

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I don't know exactly, but it sounds like a bad case of lag. That or it's just phantom power, which sometimes happens. No one really knows why.

Have you tried putting this setup in a different chunk?

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Why are you using vanilla redstone t-flipflops?

Because I'm a lot more accustomed to basic redstone wiring, especially with creations I've already made. The redpower flipflop did however work thank you, although the problem with torches still exists on a bunch of other things I'm trying to create, Ill just have to work my way around it I suppose with the other red power tools.

Have you tried putting this setup in a different chunk?

Not the same creation, but the same problem with the torches not responding to signals does still occur in different chunks yes.

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