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About potoes6

  • Birthday 10/30/1995

potoes6's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: potoes6 Reason for wanting to join: I would like to join the server because it seems like a good place to build and create cool things with other people. Experience: I have played minecraft since alpha and tekkit for about four months Magic or Science:Personally: I prefer Science but I do like magic. I do not like collectors however. I think they speed up the game to much. But other than that I love magic and I am well knowledged in science.
  2. Ingame Name: potoes6 Age: 16 Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes, I have been playing tekkit for a while now. Amount Played (If Yes): I have played tekkit for a couple months and minecraft since alpha Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please): I would like to join your server because I have been looking for a friendly looking non-crowded server. You seem like a great bunch of people who love to create things. I would love to contribute to you're server. Previous Bans: I have been banned from private servers with friends and that is about it.
  3. In game name: potoes6 Age: 16 Location: California Experience: I started playing minecraft towards the end of alpha and I have been playing tekkit for four months. I am experienced with industrial craft, building stuctures, buildcraft, and the basics of redpower. I would Like to join because I love tekkit. It is much more fun to play with other people because you can learn a lot from other people and have fun building with others. I would really like to join because you're server seems like a lot of fun and I would love to contribute.
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