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Katie (Jacob44221)

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About Katie (Jacob44221)

  • Birthday 01/15/1998

Katie (Jacob44221)'s Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. snowgolem1 Btw they didn't add that In the GOD DAMN RUles !!!!
  2. snowgolem i asked for a mod help in something personnel he shud help not raid me he say's i will help you i said i need a mod help not a player nothing else !!!!! as A MOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1- He didn't help 2- He raided me and checked my stuff directly And That is not A RIGHT !
  3. i m not going to join this server again mod are put just caus they are donors !!! and they trick player's don't trust the mod's on this server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and + j_q_a did tp to me twice and blew reinforced block somehow you can't ! in my faction territory he did abuse power's !!!!!
  4. Muted from J_Q_A for no reason file come now !!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf !!!!
  5. !!!!!!!!! Demote J_Q_A !!!!!!!! don't trust him !!!!!!!!!! he spawn's to you and kill you !!!!!!!!
  6. hey iwantmyfile i asked j_q_a help as a mod !!! he attacked me and accepted and teleported peapol in my faction place! !!
  7. IGN:jacob44221 Why do you want to be a moderator?: i want To help people on the server and raise its community with my assistance and experience . How would you moderate the server?: at the best i can doing the best i can do to help anyone. What is your experience as a moderator?: i was an admin before on a minecraft server and got promoted 3 times to Co-Owner What Timezone are you in?: Gmt+1 And i m always on when westsidegeckos is on .
  8. why is the server off ? :( ?

  9. ign: Jacob44221 i wana join this server because i wana have fun i already played on it pleas help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whitelist pleas !
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