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Everything posted by bobmekensi

  1. youve been whitelisted for cyberia craft!

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  2. the plugins caused problems so have been removed so it is now a vanilla tekkit server if that makes sense
  3. so far everyone who has aplied has been whitelisted
  4. i am now hosting a server however i have another VM available with 1GB of ram and 10GB HDD 3mb/s upload and 7mb/s download so slightly lower specs but still good for 3-7 people the reason i am hosting these servers for free is because i know how much of a pain it was getting my own first server and hopefully after a whiel your servers will grow and you can move onto paid hosting
  5. Hello!! and thank you for showing interest. I have recently setup a tekkit lite server and am looking for some people to help get it started . i have hosted many servers before and have much experience hosting servers so you can be assured the highest possible amount of uptime. The server runs 24/7 and is an AMD server with 2GB of dedicated Ram for this server. It has 20 slots however i can always increase that. there are currently no banned items or mods. currently installed plugins include: world guard , world edit, lockett and iconomy. currently there is only me playing on the server so i will be looking for one ore two experience people to become admins. the server is whitelisted so to apply just post a comment with your IGN and if you want to be an admin your IGN and past servers and experience . i don't want to know your age or where you live because i don't feel you need to give away personal information to play on a server however your timezone would be useful . the ip is however remember it is whitelisted ! my timezone is UTC/GMT +1 hour so have fun and join! i will post pictures once i have something to take pictures of
  6. hello i used to have a tekkit server however i have stopped running it because it was to much hassle so i am willing to host someone else's server for them if i can play on it the specs of the server are: 2gb ram 13mb/s download 5mb/s upload 64gb ssd so if anyone would like to me to host it id be happy to so basically i host the server but you do all the admin stuff
  7. help!! when i tried this and got to this bit i got from my server please help i am trying to get this server running by the end of the week
  8. 1) What is your current age? 13 2) How long have you been playing Tekkit? about 3 years 3) Do you know how to use Computer Craft? If yes how well. a bit but not great 4) Can you link us to some other builds made by YOU? no sorrey i used to run my own server but lost it when bathroom flooded 5) What is your Minecraft username? bobmekensi 6) Do you have a mic? yes built into my mac 7) Do you have Teamspeak 3? If not would you get it? have it 8) Where do you live? UK 9) What is your time zone? GMT+0
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