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Everything posted by Soupa

  1. I can insert images Into my status?

  3. Is this where the cool kids hang?
  4. Lapis Lazuli Did Nothing Wrong 2k15
  5. ergh
  6. Guess who's going to get a 1 in their IB art class? It's me!! I don't have: a theme deeper meanings focuses research a good candidate statement I do have: Decent art I'm just not deep enough. A teacher went off on my and told me I need to stop telling everyone I'm not learning anything from the class because I'm not being open minded. The thing is the projects the teacher does assign, like color theory, I already know about. We also don't do any tutorials/practice on composition,anatomy, or style. We don't really practice skill overall. The teacher also doesn't give any resources except for some youtube videos. Students are just kinda expected to find everything themselves and teach themselves. I can see some independent studies but at this point it's just self taught. Everything that I've learned during the class was me just on the internet finding my own resources like I've been doing for the past few years. But I guess I'm not ~OPEN MINDED~ Anyway have some art
  7. ​You going to have to catch me first Thug lyfe
  8. How do I not have any warning points. I'm the worst.
  9. Now my icon is 2pi.

  10. 99 problems
  11. murrr
  12. Thug Lyfe
  13. I Have to make this picture better somehow. Something is missing. I know just what to do. Perfection.
  14. Da witch is in
  15. It's getting worse >cruel angels thesis swells in the background<
  16. I've never been more happier plastering my art and eva stuff everywhere on everything.
  17. What ever happened to status updates being funny.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheBytemaster


      Mostly just too much un-funny material, if you ask me.

    3. disconsented


      Status updates? I think you're talking about tech support updates

    4. theprolo


      Why would you put funny comments in the lazy ICan'tFindTheRightSection support messaging list?

  18. Bibliocraft for best mod.
  19. Bark Bark woof woof bring me blood sacrifices
  20. Why are so many people asking for help in status updates?? Did the forums die??

    1. Sabakugaara8
    2. plowmanplow


      No, people are just impatient. Every single custom modpack request is addressed. Folks are welcome to hit the IRC channel as well.

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