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Everything posted by Soupa


  2. I didn't feel like actually trying
  3. I drew plains for an excuse to draw a unicorn.
  4. My art teacher is actually allowing me to use a different media for a project that shows our understanding in landscapes. I was really happy until he told me I have to do 3 different landscapes, compared to the other students who just have to do 1 because they are working with chalk pastels. Why do I have to do 3 different landscapes with marker and watercolor when the other students only have to do 1 if they choose pastels? I thought this was about showing our understanding of landscapes. Maybe I'm missing something.
  5. Look I'm a magical girl now.
  6. I can't drop the class though. If i do there's a 160$ fine because I won't be taking the exam, and I have to pay back the school.
  7. Oh no, I'm whining again. I should actually listen to the teacher for once instead of being against everything he says.
  8. I made art I made doge Then I made wolf.
  9. Also have a birb It KFC now.
  10. I feel like If I actually did that, it would come out as something really sarcastic, like I did it in MS paint. My 'ART':
  11. nooo it doesn't count they don't make actual art. Needs to be money pasted on a canvas.
  12. Guess who's going to get yelled at for putting my artwork in my book rather than writing about other people and being super deep. IT'S ME. I don't do real art since I draw cartoons sometimes. I'm not an artist, I'm an illustrator, which for some reason is lower than an artist. Thanks teacher for opening my eyes and seeing that I'm a lesser being for drawing something different.
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