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Everything posted by Enderguy37081

  1. Name: Ben-G IGN: Enderguy37081 Age: 13 Reason: i love small communities and making easy friends and not little snobs who trick you and take over your faction.... nevermind its a long story but ive been looking for a tekkit server with people i can become friends with thats how i like minecraft and i hope to see you on the server soon
  2. IGN: Enderguy37081 Age: 13 Have you read our rules?: yes and there are quite funny lol Why should you be whitelisted? because i am not a no good for nothing chump like alot of people im actually kind and generous if your on my good side How long have you played tekkit for? ive played for about a year stopped a mont cause of the bugg for the mac it sucked Do you have any experience in Coding, Building, Photoshop?(Others, you might show your work):it might take me some time to get used to tekkit agian so maye not lol and mc too i have played for a while but im still good
  3. yes i did delete the .techniclauncherfolder dont ask me
  4. i hope someone finds a REAL fix not just switching the mac luancher to the linux crap it doesn't work and i have tried it times and times and still i am getting kicked off the launcher after the thing it says hello then it just turns off and nothing happens then i rage quit it scks really someone HELP!!!!
  5. i having the problem still and this doesnt help maybe to some people but not me i get the same problem
  6. Why did it crash? did someone do something they weren't suppose too?
  7. I figured it out sorry if this is called spam you can remove comments
  8. jonathansty im trying to remember that command of adding people to the protected area so they can use the stuff what was that like essentials protection something please answer soon
  9. Its funny how i see only 3 people online and like 17 people have been allowed on the server XD
  10. ikr he needs to restart it its out of control omg i hope you fix it jonathansty ppppppllllllzzzzzzz :(
  11. In game name:Emderguy37081 Age: 14 Time playing Tekkit: about 4 months now Have you been banned: yes, for doing parkour at spawn and dieing at spawn for falling i got a death ban and another server i lagged soooo much i started flying an got a flying ban <----- what is that is that a real ban lol i didnt mean too though Why would you like to play on this server: i would like to play to have fun and help out as much as i can and help or build something on my own i love to make friends and stuff and the problem is every other server i always getting griefed or every one sec a swear word im tired of it i just need a peaceful server and what is strip mining?
  12. Hello peoples how are you doing :)

  13. Hey jonathansty restart server now nothing is working uuuggghhh so much lllaaagggg
  14. lol i tried to many times on the forum thing to register the confirmation thing is too hard :)
  15. At spawn/next to it or somwhere else you want us to make it :)
  16. Hey jonathansty hows it going? I love your server me and somone122 are wondering if we can make a pub (we are making a beer factory you should take a pic of the island we are working on looks amazing lol ) thanky you for responding and can you help me cross breed :)
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