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Everything posted by Devin0810

  1. Is there any equivalent to this command on the mac? I've tried a similar thing with java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true, which returned the java command help. I've used java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar /path/to/TechnicLauncher.jar, but it still shows this same error. There is no setx file on mac.
  2. Looks cool! Downloading now! EDIT: Um, the long distance travel thingy. I had hit the lever, and i got in the cart, so why did it blow up? EDIT 2: Well i just read the log and feel like an idiot. The hole ting is now blown up and destroyed. ANy ideas?
  3. Im not exactly the best at everything but i do a fair amount CC. I can do a OK controller (with wiki help).
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