So I was about to post saying I have the same problem but thought I’d try solve it... after testing for stupid amount of hours trying to work out why it didn’t work I’ve sussed it out.- Finally!
The following worked for my server and I hope it works for yours! I’m pretty bad at explaining things so I’ll try make it brief and clear.
First: I’m going to assume you can see Not Enough Items (NEI), open inventory and then click the options on the bottom left. Enable Item ID’s to shown.
Next: find the items you want banned and put it into your action bar, you MUST do this! Once in your inventory hover over and write down the ID shown. This ID shown is the true item’s ID, The ones inside the ‘mod_EE.prop’ file and the ones shown when you hover over items in the NEI menu are not always correct.
Note 1: Not sure if it shows the correct ID of an item when it’s in your backpack/inventory so put it into your action bar to be safe
Note 2: Be sure not to get the ID from the NEI menu... I spent hours making this mistake
Next: inside your permissions file make sure ‘-modifyworld.*’ is at the bottom of the groups permission and all the negative permissions are above it, doesn’t work the other way round.
Next: when banning the item enter it like so e.g. “- -modifyworld.items.use. 27530:41”
default: true
- -modifyworld.items.have.27580
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27580
- -modifyworld.items.use.27580
- -modifyworld.items.have.27530:41
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27530:41
- -modifyworld.items.use.27530:41
- -modifyworld.items.have.27531:41
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27531:41
- -modifyworld.items.use.27531:41
- -modifyworld.items.have.27536
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27536
- -modifyworld.items.use.27536
- -modifyworld.items.have.27533:84
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27533:84
- -modifyworld.items.use.27533:84
- -modifyworld.items.have.27538:84
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27538:84
- -modifyworld.items.use.27538:84
- -modifyworld.items.have.27574:84
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27574:84
- -modifyworld.items.use.27574:84
- -modifyworld.items.have.27584:2
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27584:2
- -modifyworld.items.use.27584:2
- -modifyworld.items.have.27527:31
- -modifyworld.items.pickup.27527:31
- -modifyworld.items.use.27527:31
- worldguard.region.wand
- worldguard.region.claim
- worldguard.region.redefine.own
- worldguard.region.addmember.own.*
- worldguard.region.removemember.own.*
- worldguard.region.list.own
- worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.*
- worldguard.region.flag.flags.use.*
- worldguard.region.setparent.own.*
- worldguard.region.remove.own.*
- worldedit.wand
- worldedit.selection.pos
- worldedit.selection.hpos
- lockette.user.create.*
- commandbook.msg
- commandbook.motd
- commandbook.intro
- commandbook.rules
- commandbook.away
- commandbook.kit.kits.starter
- commandbook.spawn
- commandbook.home.teleport
- commandbook.home.set
- modifyworld.*
rank: '15'
I hope this works and sorry if this has already been answer elsewhere. I did search the forums but couldn’t find anything.