Your Minecraft username. : MjolnirBlade
Your age. 18(Finally lol)
Your general location in the world (Earth). USA, NJ (Restore the Shore)
Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Umm I'm not entirely sure, probably a snow biome just because rain is annoying and loud and snow is so much nicer especially because I love the whole "Cabin in the snowy woods look" for my home. i would probably want a lot of trees nearby and Iron in the ground. anything else I can find or make(hopefully).
A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I love to combine RP, EE, and IC2 into factories to make things to eventually sell. I basically own my last server's economy because of my three factories: HV Solar Arrays, MFSU's, and Mass Fabricators all being mass produced and sold via safe chest shops. That and I sold all the lesser parts as well. Relatively cheap so no one else could really compete, but they really didn't want to so it was great xD