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Everything posted by Sargent_Blockson

  1. My mate says that he wants to build the whole of bloody London up to the M25, that's 125 miles in radius. Apparently he'll use something to render 3d maps of the city and convert them to the game engine and then build the small details by hand. 1. Is there something like that out there? 2. Do you think that he should use mods make it more realistic?
  2. Yeh I see the problem, retro futurism isn't blocky and is colorful/ optimistic. Anyway I've got a hangover from last night's battle with the black stuff.
  3. Thanks mate, do you have any idea how to build diners and 50's style Petrol/ gas stations?
  4. I'm building several cities on my tekkit server and want to connect them with motorways/ highways. Do any of you have and suggestions/ tips to do this? This does still carry the fallout theme of retro futurism (Before the war, not nuked). And this includes service stations/ rest area.
  5. I think I've only had 2 and a half paints of guinness, need to eat some bread to lower intoxication I think. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=guinness&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:%7Breferrer:source%3F%7D&rlz=1I7ACAW_enGB375&biw=1517&bih=714&tbm=isch&tbnid=Csf1qj5jWuya4M:&imgrefurl=http://www.peeledcarrots.com/calories-in-a-pint-of-guinness-compared-to-other-beers-and-lagers/&docid=mFOGpxmaEE0WIM&imgurl=http://www.peeledcarrots.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/guinness-is-good-for-you.jpg&w=332&h=500&ei=uTexUPutAYyN0wXpmIHwDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=788&vpy=146&dur=2543&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=88&ty=149&sig=115610217660323049271&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=93&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:169
  6. What is the verson called, (I'm looking for it now on the options.)
  7. Ok, so he's a bit like ser surgia the creator of forestry who had a fit and made the code incompatible when he found that we had used the download link from forge. But he didn't create minecraft so he can't sue for copyright if we use his pack anyway, all we need to have to do is just change the name.
  8. I googled Feed the beast and found that it's basically tekkit, but it has forestry and is fully updated. So could we contact them and see if we could add it to the mod loader? Sorry if I sound like an idiot saying this, I've had a couple of drinks so I'm not completely in control.
  9. Does that mean that players can't be travelling in them when they go through portals?
  10. I want to have a large highway on my server with this plug so that people can travel from city to city. But I also have a old server and I was thinking of using portals to get to the world and back, can minecarts and other moving entities go through portals? Sorry for this being badly written I've just got back from the Rolls Royce Development Felicity after 9 hours of trying to make a poorly disigned engine work. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/minecars/
  11. To power industrial craft generators and furnaces. Basically a gas power station, producing a moderate amount of power for low tier development .
  12. It isn't steam it's gas that you get from oil reserves and burning coal and other fossil fuels that I'm after. Then again steam engines like these would be nice. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=steam+engine&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&tbo=d&biw=1517&bih=714&tbm=isch&tbnid=RO9-bnAZ1xOciM:&imgrefurl=http://www.egr.msu.edu/~lira/supp/steam/&docid=S5ceA8_AJmm9PM&imgurl=http://www.egr.msu.edu/~lira/supp/images/newcomen.gif&w=583&h=438&ei=2Z2wUIv9DqTD0QXwn4HoAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=482&vpy=338&dur=459&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=72&ty=80&sig=112957442606024670782&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=191&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0,i:184
  13. I was thinking of stainless steel diner style buildings and concrete tower blocks.
  14. Thanks but I'm not making it to look post apocalyptic I want it preapocalyptic, before the bombs fell. But thanks for the tips anyway.
  15. Tripple posting, o dear someone whats attention! Also are you the cheese bloke returning to abuse the forum again?! (There's an edit button, use it!) P.S. Your picture is stupid and annoying and immature.
  16. Right let's take this back to 70's UK, nothing's changed since really.
  17. Apart from tekkit, spout and feed the best what are the other spout based mod packs out there for download?
  18. When I herd this when I was 12 it made me like heavy metal. I've saw them when they performed in the NIA 2 years ago, great night.
  19. I'm going to start a public server in a couple of mouths so I've decided to make a spawn city with a 1950's retro futurism theme, like fallout before the great war. Have any of you got any ideas of what blocks to use? Plus what should the buildings look like? Please give me suggestions, advice and pictures.
  20. I know,we're far from true socialism, I'm just angry at that arse crack for fucking up the economy. (The recession started when I was 19.)
  21. O socialism, the easy way out only. It's just reminded me of this
  22. That is possible. It might not work but if you try enough you will complete it. Bit like the infinite amount of monkeys on type writers.
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