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Posts posted by rcmaehl


    TO CLARIFY: This meant, so if you don't like morphs delete them.

    Then players wouldn't be able to connect to servers.


    TO CLARIFY: /helpop

    Not all server owners are smart enough to enable /helpop, let alone listen to it. Cause you know, 12-14 year olds can't take advice.

    I really want to insert i spongebob meme here. but apparently i cannot ._.


    Spongebob is not a meme.

    I called out each person who i saw with my eyes being mean for someones opinion, and for some reason thats a BAD thing? okay then. 

    It causes drama.

  2. But like I said earlier "When I did this it gave me a bunch of errors in the console and wont let me connect to the server. Odd."


    So im not sure why, if I give you a pastebin of the errors would you be able to figure out why or no?




    Also, only the ones that say "WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world." Are the ones I need to do before starting up the server, and the rest I can do by just stopping editing and turning back on the server, correct?


     It looks like one of the config changes I suggested is being iffy (specifically the ones that say set this item to =0). I PM'd you the config reset while I look into this.


    And yes, you are correct. The ones with the warning ares the ones that should be done before you ever create the map.

  3. Since the old official thread got deleted, I've decided to make an unofficial new one. If you see anything missing please let me know.

    Problem: All my modpacks show up as offline.


    • Click Launch, and wait about 10 minutes.

      I personally discovered this on my laptop while waiting for help. Just give it time and watch youtube videos or what not.

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #2

    • Check that you are connected to the internet.

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #3

    • Try running the launcher as administrator.

      If that didn't work:
      Move to Solution #4

    • Try disabling your anti-virus.

      There are a small amount of anti-viruses that seem to dislike Technic. Try disabling yours, then relaunch the launcher.

      If you don't have one: You're in big trouble! This might be a sign that password stealing, email spamming, computer slowing malware has infected your PC! Download and Run a full scan using: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ Then install an anti-virus such as http://www.avast.com/en-us/download-thank-you.php?product=FA-AVAST&locale=en-us

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #5

    • Check that you don't have a program called 'Relevant Knowledge' installed on your PC by checking in 'Add/Remove Programs' (Windows XP) or 'Programs And Features' (Windows Vista and Newer).
      If you have it: Remove it as it is Adware/Malware that keylogs your computer that gives out your usernames, passwords and other information to its owners. After removing it, change all your passwords. Afterwards, restart you computer.

      If that didn't work: 
      Feel free to start a new issue on the tracker. Be sure to include: Your OS, Your Java version, and your Anti-virus.


    Problem: A modpack won't download.


    • Wait a few minutes then try again.

      Sometimes the servers are a big bogged down due to an update. Go watch a youtube video, then try again.

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #2

    • Check that you are connected to the internet.

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #3

    • Try running the launcher as administrator.

      If that didn't work:
       Move to Solution #4

    • Try disabling your anti-virus.

      There are a small amount of anti-viruses that seem to dislike Technic. Try disabling yours, then relaunch the launcher.

      If you don't have one: You're in big trouble! This might be a sign that password stealing, email spamming, computer slowing malware has infected your PC! Download and Run a full scan using: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ Then install an anti-virus such as http://www.avast.com/en-us/download-thank-you.php?product=FA-AVAST&locale=en-us

      If that didn't work: Move on to Solution #5

    • Check that you don't have a program called 'Relevant Knowledge' installed on your PC by checking in 'Add/Remove Programs' (Windows XP) or 'Programs And Features' (Windows Vista and Newer).
      If you have it: Remove it as it is Adware/Malware that keylogs your computer that gives out your usernames, passwords and other information to its owners. After removing it, change all your passwords. Afterwards, restart you computer.

      If that didn't work: Feel free to start a new issue on the tracker. Be sure to include: Your OS, Your Java version, your Anti-virus, AND the modpack you were trying to download.
  4. If im using hosting from somewhere, and they have the server.properties setup with the settings so it runs on there ip port and whatnot can I just leave that and use the other files from your zip? or do I need to take something from the server.properties in the server+plugins.zip and change something else in the one they have?




    If im going to have nukes disabled/banned, do I still need to change the power of them in the config files?


    When I did this it gave me a bunch of errors in the console and wont let me connect to the server. Odd.


    1. If they have server.properties already setup, you don't have to use the one included in the server files. (There shouldn't be one anyway so let me fix that).


    2. If you have nukes disabled you don't need to change their power. If you have nukes banned, you still want to change their power since they're still obtainable, even if not by normal players.

  5. Server + Plugins






    What do you mean by "Does NOT contain config file changes listed above"


    So that means its not good to use? or what?


    Fixed that link. Thanks for pointing that out. 



    "Does NOT contain the config file changes listed above.


    It means you can use it, but you have to do all of:


    Configuration File Changes:

    Note: Anything marked with '*' is optional and can be blocked with a plugin instead, however more than a half of these can reduce server load that a plugin can't.

    • /buildcraft/config/AdditionalPipes.cfg:
      • * Change TeleportTether.Enabled=true to TeleportTether.Enabled=false
        • This disables one of the chunk loading blocks that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change TeleportTether.id=179 to TeleportTether.id=0
        • This disables one of the chunk loading blocks that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
    •      /buildcraft/config/buildcraft.cfg:
      • Change network.updateFactor=10 to network.updateFactor=20
        • Can be set higher for even less lag.
        • Decreases the block updates of BuildCraft.
    • /config/railcraft/railcraft.cfg:
      • * Change cube.world.anchor=true to cube.world.anchor=false
        • This disables one of the chunk loading entities that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change utility.loader.item=true to utility.loader.item=false
        • This disables one of the items used to massively dupe on your server.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change utility.loader.item.advanced=true toutility.loader.item.advanced=false
        • This disables one of the items used to massively dupe on your server.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * + Change entity.cart.anchor=134 to entity.cart.anchor=0
        • This disables one of the chunk loading entities that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change entity.cart.tank=126 to entity.cart.tank=0
        • This disables one of the items used to massively dupe on your server.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change entity.cart.bore=131 to entity.cart.bore=0
        • This disables a train cart that tunnels all by itself and can lag your server.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
      • * Change cube.world.anchor=true to cube.world.anchor=false
        • This disables one of the chunk loading blocks that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
    • /config/EnderStorage.cfg
      • * Change block.id=178 to block.id=0
        • This disables one of the blocks that can be used to crash your server under certain circumstances.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
    • /config/IC2.cfg:
      • Change explosionPowerNuke=35.0 to explosionPowerNuke=16.0
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This GREATLY decreases the power of a nuke.
        • This GREATLY decreases the block updates of a nuke.
      • Change explosionPowerReactorMax=45.0 to explosionPowerReactorMax=16.0
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This GREATLY decreases the power of a nuclear reactor exploding.
        • This GREATLY decreases the block updates of a nuclear reactor exploding.
    • /config/IC2NuclearControl.cfg:
      • Change maxAlarmRange=128 to maxAlarmRange=64
        • Can be set lower for even less annoyance
        • This reduces the range of alarms that can be used to annoy other players.
    • /config/immibis.cfg:
      • * Change chunkloader.id=4095 to chunkloader.id=0
        • This disables one of the chunk loading blocks that can cause your server to lag.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
    • /config/ModularForceFieldSystem.cfg:
      • Change maxDeflectorDistance=10 to maxDeflectorDistance=5
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This decreases block updates caused by Deflector force fields
      • Change maxProjectorSize=32 to maxProjectorSize=16
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This decreases block updates caused by Projector force fields
      • Change maxTubeRadius=5 to maxTubeRadius=3
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This decreases block updates caused by Tube force fields
      • Change refreshSpeed=100 to refreshSpeed=1000
        • Can be set higher for even less lag
        • This decreases block updates caused by force fields
    • /config/WirelessRedstone.cfg:
      • * Change triangulator.id=6101 to triangulator.id=0
        • This disables an item that will constantly spam console with 20+ messages per second when used.
        • WARNING: You must set this before you ever create your world file or you may corrupt player inventories and your world.
    • /redpower/redpower.cfg:
      • Change blockbreaker.blacklist="" toblockbreaker.blacklist="4,49,128,179,194,214"
        • This disables a few dupes and EMC farms..
      • Change deployer.blacklist="" to deployer.blacklist="179,213,214,6362"
        • This patches an exploit that can be used to crash your server, as well as a few dupes.
      • Change whenfull="drop" to whenfull="destroy"
        • This causes items to be destroyed instead of dropped which would cause your server to lag.
    • /bukkit.yml:
      • Change monsters: 70 to monsters: 35
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This makes less monsters spawn per chunk and will lag your server less.
      • Change animals: 15 to animals: 10
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This makes less animals spawn per chunk and will lag your server less.
      • Change water-animals: 5 to water-animals: 2
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This makes less squids spawn per chunk and will lag your server less.
      • Change animal-spawns: 400 to animal-spawns: 1000
        • Can be set higher for even less lag
        • This makes animals wait to spawn and will lag your server less.
      • Change monster-spawns: 1 to monster-spawns: 250
        • Can be set higher for even less lag
        • This makes monsters wait to spawn and will lag your server less.
    • /server.properties:
      • Change view-distance=10 to view-distance=8
        • Can be set lower for even less lag
        • This decreases the number of chunks loaded per player     

    By yourself. It's not that hard really, just find each file listed, ctrl + f the words that look like this and replace them with the other words that look like this after the to.


    I don't include these by default because players might not want them all.

  6. It's not instant like the other one was, but there's a Moderating Team button at the bottom of the main page, and the Online status of the staff is in there.  Unless they're hiding from you.


    I can confirm that link is there.

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