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Stop mocking me0

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Posts posted by Stop mocking me0

  1. Ok…. SO, yeah. Number 6 yeah… I'll see what I can do, but like I said I'm not quite talented with more advanced modding. If NEI or WAILA doesn't work with a 1.7.X forge I'm gonna have to get you the 1.6.4 version. Other then that feel free to check up on the project in, oh say a week or so it should be done before… Hell I might work on it tonight.


    Also I'm looking at your mod pack, and I should mention: 


    Damage indikators are somewhat useless with WAILA installed. 

    Also I prefer to use NEI (not enough items) if you would. It's the same thing just for different amounts of mods. 

  2. Now I'm not a god, or even a great mod-pack creator, but I'm willing to help peoples. I only recently learned how to do this from a very helpful person, so take it easy on me please! 



    Note I have some Rules: 


    1: I do not build mod packs with more then 20 individual mods (nei, waila, and forge count as 1 all together), If you think your computer can run more the 20 mods you can build it yourself. There are guides on this site, even ones for Macs. 


    2: I do not work with super complex mods like Flans. I just don't know how to master that, I'm sorry.


    3: Do not bombard me with messages, I'm a busy guy, I can't get to everything. I will work through your mod packs in order given to me. However if there's one guy who only want one mod, i'm likely going to get to him before the 20 mod guy. 


    4: I will not host mod packs, but I will share the files. Once I share a file with you, you have 10 days to retrieve it. After that I will remove it from my copy.com account weather you've downloaded it or not. 


    5: Some mods just don't work and some things I just can't build. Sorry. 


    6: Try to work with 1.6.4 mods if you can. 1.5.X means getting a new forge, as well as 1.7.X.


    7: I need links to the original author's download or you're mod pack will have to wait! The amount of effort you put in is the amount you get out. 




    And with that let's go! 



    Mods currently available for download: 

    https://copy.com/ImHpn8Qm0chQ : Midrag's pack - 4 days left

    https://copy.com/DrgUdKRDt6YC : Akeffala's pack

    https://copy.com/CRbwBD7FKEo8 : Some other guy's pack I made in cafe lame… 

    https://copy.com/SHv7SfoBag8l : Mystery craft

  3. After weeks of trying to build a mod pack on my mac with little help from confusing guides that one has to translate to mac-terms, I finally received help from one guy who throughly explained everything easy- peasy. Which is what I'm trying to do here: 



    But flans is buggy at best, so don't feel left out. This works for other mods. 


    Here are a few main issues I came across with my mac: 


    I could not use the default zip-program installed on my computer. I had to go and download a new one, which BTW is about 40 times cooler. I recommend Keka, it's free, It's simple, it has a little roll-polly bug on it. 


    You will need a file sharing website. Dropbox refused to work for me, but it may for you. I recommend "Copy.com" as it's very simple to install, use, and it works. 


    Make sure you are using the ORIGINAL and LATEST download for your files. The best way to check this is to simply type in "(Modpackname) minecraftforums" and that will bing up the MCF page for it, which typically either has the right download, or it will link you to the right download. 


    I should mention: You shouldn't be using Safari for your downloads, as some files will not download as .zips or .jars and will automatically decompress into folders. You can NOT use folders. Now, the ORIGINAL and LATEST version of the files can be downloaded as the correct .zip or .jar files from safari for many mods like "dimensional doors", "tinker's construct", "Galacticraft". However some mods, like the Ichun mods and mystcraft. Just do not download correctly. So While safari is good for finding the RIGHT files, it does not work for ALL mod files. 




    WIth that let's get started!:


    To begin, and once you've acquired everything you need (file share-et (copy.com), new .zip-ing program (keka), and a mindset of which mods you want), you will likely want to start with the latest mine craft forge. Or if you want to do things easy and just bypass NEI configuration, use this: 





    That was created for me by the guy who helped me. It includes the basics: NEI, WAILA, Current version of FORGE (as of May 17th 2014), and it's configuration.

    (If you need a more current version people of the future, just replace the mod pack file, under .bin, with the instructions on it's site.) 


    Now, once you've got the files downloaded, I'm guessing you don't want a mod pack called "base" so change the name of the file to whatever you want it to be. CAPITALIZATION AND SPACING IS IMPORTANT! 



    Ok, the first thing you should do now is compress it WITH THE KEKA, and put that file into your copy folder. Make sure that the name of the .zip matches the name you want (with a .zip at the end) for example: 


    Waffe-craft= Waffe-craft.zip


    Wait for it to sync with the internet, and then from there click the share button. Copy extension… Should look something like this: https://copy.com/z8rGwlb6nnaR

    and head for the "technic platform" button above.


    Click that, and find your account, access it, and get to the page where it says create new mod pack. You can create it, add some info about it, what mods are in it, a few colorful pictures, the licensing and agreements so mod authors get their deserved rights. 


    Anyways, you will finish and the pack will be incomplete. Go back into it via the edit button and NOW you should see a little empty text box to put "file location" in. 



    What you want to do, 






    Is paste the copy.com sharing link in the box, then at the end add a ?download=1 to the end of it, so it will look like:  https://copy.com/z8rGwlb6nnaR?download=1 when you're finished. 


    Make sure you're also using the correct version of mine craft too with all your mods (for example: this one is set up for 1.6.4 ) 






    MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE GREEN SAVE-MODPACK BUTTON AT THE bottom before leaving, then make sure you have the mod pack address (aka the url code you put into your technic launcher to activate the pack) 


    Put that code in the technic launcher and run it.  It should create a regular 1.6.4 version of MC with WAILA, NEI, through forge. (You'll know by the little button on the menu saying "Mods") 



    The 3 mods aren't downloading. I keep getting some nonsense text: 99% of the time this has to do with your sharing site, if you've linked it as I have shown you. The other 1% is you're not zipping your files correctly. You must use KEKA or something other then the simple zip archiver. 


    If you don't see the little white box appear in the lower-center-left of your screen, it didn't work. Make sure you fallowed ALL the steps.  (oh and if you clicked a little box that said "Force directory change", yeah don't do that…) 





    Now you need to add your mods! 



    This is a very simple process: 







    The DACC process if you will. 



    First download the CORRECT version of your mod (meaning if you got a 1.6.4 mod pack you need the latest 1.6.4 version of the mod, not all mods have this and thus can't be used… Sorry) From the ORIGINAL author. 



    If all goes to plan you'll have a .jar file or a .zip file.  Put this file into the mods folder, (NOTE: Some mods, like galacticraft, Ichuns, and TMmech works require other mod files to operate. Make sure you have all the files needed downloaded!) 



    Now compress the bin, config, and mods together again, with the mods added. This will give you a .zip . Remember to rename it! Then put that file into your copy folder!

    (Pro tip: for faster linking, if your file already matches the name of the last file you can replace it. By replacing it you don't have to go through the hastle of changing the sharing URL from copy.com, it's much faster.) 



    Wait for everything to sync and then DELETE the old mod pack from your technic launcher. If you just try to update it nothing will change. 


    Instead just re-enter the URL code (It shouldn't change BTW, so just keep a little tab open to where you can access the same text) then run the new mod pack. 


    If all is well and good you should have the new mod installed! Make sure you go in and check to see none of the features of a mod crashes the game. That is common and VERY unwanted. 




    My mod didn't load in, but NEI and everything is still there. WTF?: You're still using the same mod pack from the first session. From the technic launcher, press the little red button under your old Mod pack, then click "add new mod pack" and input the URL code again. It may work now. If it didn't check to make sure you have all the mod files needed for that file to run, for example: TMmech works can't run without tinker's construct. 


    There are no mods, just mine craft version 1.6.4: Simple, either how you set up your sharing file, or how you set up the mod pack is flawed. Make sure you still have the ?download=1 at the end, and that the file still has the same code: https://copy.com/z8rGwlb6nnaR



    Now, you have added one of your mods! Cool! Now, continue to add the rest of your mods through the same process. I recommend you go one or two mods at a time so if your game breaks you can find the source easy.  




    If you have any questions, or anything, feel free to comment it below. 


    I didn't add the name of the guy who helped me to avoid people constantly bombarding him for help. That'd get annoying real fast, and I don't want to do that to him. 


    Enjoy your modded mine craft mac community! 







    If your mod pack is still not working it may be a config issue!


    -To properly deal with configs: Your best bet is to run the game, which will then fail, then look at the crash report (little gear under the mod pack logo, then click open folder-->crash reports) 


    The first general section (paragraph, whatever you want to call the initial chuck of text) will say something like:


    -Missing class directory-XXXX:  Your missing a file for mod XXXX. 


    -ID conflict: 2 mods have item IDs set for the same thing, to fix this there should be a file marked "id conflicts" (nifty) which you can open with text edit. Now, that list shows you all the items that are conflicting. With that open head into the config folder (should be right near the crash reports folder) and open the file of one of the conflicting mods ( EX: XXXX---Id 115, YYYY---Id 115, open either the XXXX or YYYY folder) 


    Once open, find the item id that matches the one in the conflict text. It may not be word-for-word the same so find the NUMBER not the name.. (Pro tip: command-F) 


    Once you have the number, look back at the list.. It should say a section of numbers that aren't occupied by other IDs. Change the number to one of those numbers. 

    --- NOTE: You can not re-use numbers, one number, (1115) then it can never be used again, I suggest going in order: 1116,1117, 1118…..


    ​Make sure to save your file then try to run the pack again. If it works, place the changed config folder into the ORIGINAL config folder (The one you created your pack with, don't mind if it's not an EXE file.) Then compress and start again. 



    Dimension ID: There's always the off-chance you'll run into a dimension ID error. Where two mods have generated dimensions in the same location, it's solved much like the ID conflict issue, only the crash report will tell you where to go, and what to change.. Should be simple, just use text edit in a config folder to change dimension ID from, oh say, 20 to 21. Never let two dimensions be set at the same Diminsion-ID so always use different numbers. Save-->re-run the pack--> If it works put that in the original config folder-->then re-compress and start again.

  4. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/waffe-craft.345772



    Well here's my mod pack, finally build ready for public use! Huge thanks to Plowmanplow! 



    Basically this mod pack was built so the good people of CODZ can enjoy custom zombie maps without the use and hastle of Custom zombie map builds and downloads. 


    Either way, the map consists of: 


    Nei (and attachments) 


    Tinker's construct

    Tmech works

    Dimensional doors



    The morph mod

    Sync mod 

    hats mod

    (bound by Ichun) 

    statues mod

    Ferello's gun mod (3.0 beta) 




    Either way, this pack is meant for the creation of mine craft style zombie maps, but anyone is welcome to use it for whatever they wish! Go nuts and Enjoy! 

  5. Guess I'll go with the direct approach, I got a back up anyways ;)


    I have successfully removed the glitchy flans mod, and the soul shards mod. 


    I found the hanglider mod recently, but when I added that it kept crashing the game.




    Alright, now the game keeps loading a mod-less version. Could this be due to the re-configuration? 

  6. I notice a lot of bugs actually:


    -Nei doesn't always work if you start off without cheats enabled. 

    -Flans mod jets crash the game ( I can see why, I'll just suggest banning them from any servers)

    -DD runs fine

    -Tinker's construct works like a charm

    -haven't explored the termal expansion but I'm sure it will work fine. 

    -Soul shards 2 is almost completely useless if you're ever in creative mode. But If you're in creative mode you can just use a normal cage. 

    -Statues are great, but the showcases are a bit useless… As their items aren't really shown properly.

    -2 sets of redstone transmuters and remotes, no biggy. 

    -Guns sometimes crash server 

    -Chat bubbles I have yet to use too… 

    -Morph mod working better then usual (come paired to attack of the B team) 

    -Galacticraft is good, causing no issues. 



    Yeah, the only issues seem to be with the flans mod. and soul shards, constantly crashing the game... I'm thinking of removing them and putting in another mod or two later on. How would I go about doing that without breaking everything? I don't know the exact mods yet, but it will need to be a replacement guns mod. I'm thinking of using a micro-worlds mod and maybe the gravity/starcraft mod as well. But I need to know how hard it would be to do something like that first. 


    1: http://www.minecraft...y13-forge-spmp/

    2: http://www.minecraft...0000-downloads/

    3: http://www.minecraft...164smp-statues/


    4: Morph mod http://www.minecraft...almost-any-mob/

    5: Flan's mod: http://flansmod.com

    -With extensions: 

    6: BOII/MW3 

    7: Simple parts

    8: Civil package

    9: -Dimensional doors: http://www.minecraft...nal-doors-v222/

    10: -Tinker's construct: http://www.minecraft...kers-construct/

    11: -Wireless redstone: http://www.minecraft...-redstone-v161/

    12: -Soul cage http://www.minecraft...updated-112014/

    13: Nei, or TMI whichever works best. 





    THESE MODS, Fairly simple,I need to be strung together in whatever's closest to a 1.6.4 version, and made for easy download and play.(meaning all anyone should have to do is type in the code and go) 


    I can not do it myself, not because I can't make a pack, but I simply can NOT get any running with my cruddy mac. computer with security that makes about as much sense as snake-pants. 


    It's name should be: Waffe-craft 


    As well servers are also going to be an issue because they're going to be needed, so the easiest way to make one of them is preferred, but let's focus on the map right now. 


    This pack is being made for another forum: CODZ, there it's going to be used to help improve future cod zombies map ideas 10-fold.


     We would be ever grateful, and whomever makes this pack should see it grow in popularity.



    Just a recap: 

    -Weeping angels-

    Morph mod


    Flans mod (multi-part)

    Dimensional doors

    Tinker's construct

    Wireless redstone

    Soul cage


    and I prefer, but it's not needed, for there to be a form of NEI or TMI

    around 13 or 14 mods, should be quite simple 




    If anyone's actually willing to help me, I can give you the info for a dummy account, the dummy account can hold/host the pack and I'll take it from there once you're done. Or if you want to keep hold of it that's fine, just make it public. 



    I have tried, many times to make this pack, and every time I keep running into the same issues I CAN'T find answers for… PLEASE I'm begging here for help



  8. Alright here's the issue: 


    this mod pack: 



    It's been configured and everything so far, that I'm told, is in line. 


    The issue comes with using it. 

    I have the pack saved to a copy.com account, which has worked better then dropbox. 


    I have uploaded the file on there (The zip file not the folder) and copied the share link that pops up when one pushes "share" AND I have added the ?download=1 extension to it: 




    Now, when I go to the technic platform, I put in the code: 



    but it does not even allow me to add the pack, stating it requires a directory outside of blablabla/technic 


    is there an application or directory I need to use it? I'm a bit lost. I have tried to look for the answer but can't seem to locate anything helpful… 

  9. Ok first I would like to apologies if I post this in the wrong area... Please call me a noob if I do and dirrect me to the correct area...

    But the reason I made this thread was that I plan to get a new computer soon and I was wondering what kind of cheap computer I can get for spesificaly running tekkit, and possibly later on, feed the beast. What kind of graphics card and what type of monitor and everything... I would preffer the price stay below 700 us dollars and I can stretch to below 1000 us dollars... Please? I'm a compleat noob when it comes to computers... I can understand basic string theory... But computers just make no sense...

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