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Everything posted by ahmut

  1. im using the mcpc version for tekkit lite, even without plugins going to the nether normally causes the server to become unresponsive. this i tested online with my hosted server and also running the server on my computer.
  2. whenever we goto an end world it causes the server to crash anyone else have this issue?
  3. if you have mystcraft make a world with dense ores, with fortune picks you can easily get a shit ton of diamonds quick
  4. Title: 5.7 unable to craft mod items Version: 0.5.1 OS: windows 7 x64 Java Version: window 7 update 9 build 1.7.0_09-b05 Description of Problem: After time in game while the server is up it makes it to where you cannot craft the items from different mods. IE pocket crafting table, dynamite, slag furnaces. Error Messages: no error messages. Error Log: no errors showing up on console
  5. - essentials.home is on your list but even defaults cant do that without OP
  6. yea login register but the perm ones from essentials dont work
  7. non op users cannot do commands with /
  8. its only when i have modifyworld installed when non ops cant interact or chat, and when permissionsex is on that they can talk but then they have the you dont have permissions to X with Y the other plugins work its just those 2 im having difficulty with, and on you server it doesnt let me do the commands so im not sure if you have same issue on that.
  9. no such files or anything named that in any of the files
  10. ok i got it working and now it wont let people other than ops talk or interact with items how did you by pass that ninja?
  11. charles how you you go about restricting agebooks right now, modifyworld is a bit touchy where sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt
  12. ok i did what you said, i put in multiverse but it doesnt work correctly how did you get it to work with the mcpc and bukkitforge build
  13. heres a way to do it without cheating, LAN or setup a Lan using something like hamachi and have a friend join your game and create the overworld linking book and bring it to you
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