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Everything posted by Takeda

  1. Minecraft Username: Takeda Have you ever been banned, if so, why?: No, not that I know of. I went inactive on my last server due to class. What do you plan to do on the server: Just build myself a decent base, maybe convince some friends to pick Tekkit back up. Do you have any previous experience with tekkit? If so, what?: I've been through most of Tekkit aside from Railcraft and Computercraft, I haven't played for about 6 months.
  2. IGN: Takeda AGE: 23 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Nope WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? The cohesiveness of the mods working together. I love that I can make machines that are part RP, BC, IC, etc. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? Helpful knowledge of the mods. I also like working with others on builds like making a facility and such.
  3. I'm an RA on top of 2 majors and 2 minors. =P
  4. D= Well damn, good luck. I'm still alive, first week of university has kept me busy but I plan on coming back in force.
  5. Keep fighting the good fight sir, you got me hooked on your server in the span of 6 hours. Love it and can't wait for it to be back up.
  6. InGameName: Takeda About me: Yogscast got me back into Minecraft with Tekkit, Technic is fun and all, but I want to share in technological wonders with a server. Location: EST Why Tekkitia?: It's 24/7, small, and mature. I'm looking for a close community which it seems you've got. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Roger doger.
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