so i run a tekkit server and it occasionally it crashes due to a read timeout is there a way it can restart it self i heard craftbukkit++ has one but im unsure and could use a little guidance.
Would anyone be able to make a plugin that makes a condenser that anyone could open with a command like /condenser just like /workbench i would like vips on my server to have this if its possible.
title pretty much says it all i run a tekkit server with a 30/30mbits connection speed and 4gb ram start and 10gb max and it runs on the same hard drive as windows just a normal 7200rpm wd 1tb drive. and after the server has been up for around a hour chunks just wont load for anyone any help would craftbukkit++ help idk what to do in this situation.
i keep getting spam in console saying slotChanging(0) slotChanging(10) slotChanging(48) ect how can i fix this or atleast filter it out of the server its massive spam and pretty annoying.
I 1 up that I've never properly figured out how to do that and would would like to do so if someone has some spare time to help that would be something I would greatly appreciate. It would always be nice to be able to fix my own issues.
I solved it if anyone had the same issue i enabled fake user login in buildcraft cfg and then that allowed pex control so fake user dosent have to be oped and ignore worldguard
hello i have a question about quarries.So i have a big spawn area on my server and it is protected by world guard but quarries can still destroy the blocks. Is there a way to prevent this because i have rooms people can rent on a different floor and i don't want them spawning a quarry and wrecking the area.
Import all of the required things, (Tekkit.jar, and click "export" in eclipse. It will make a .jar file for you, open it to get your .class file. (you must import or it will not work as intended.)