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Everything posted by jp694

  1. both those seem to have limits unless paid for any other suggestions or help setting up craftbukkit++ with auto restart
  2. i have a separate computer i run the server on i know the cpu is a issue il be getting a new one soon but it does have a 60gb sdd and 20gb of ram
  3. so i run a tekkit server and it occasionally it crashes due to a read timeout is there a way it can restart it self i heard craftbukkit++ has one but im unsure and could use a little guidance.
  4. Would anyone be able to make a plugin that makes a condenser that anyone could open with a command like /condenser just like /workbench i would like vips on my server to have this if its possible.
  5. just checked my upload is 5mbits when i pay for 30 is that the issue if so il call my fiber company.
  6. title pretty much says it all i run a tekkit server with a 30/30mbits connection speed and 4gb ram start and 10gb max and it runs on the same hard drive as windows just a normal 7200rpm wd 1tb drive. and after the server has been up for around a hour chunks just wont load for anyone any help would craftbukkit++ help idk what to do in this situation.
  7. thanks seemed to do the trick
  8. i keep getting spam in console saying slotChanging(0) slotChanging(10) slotChanging(48) ect how can i fix this or atleast filter it out of the server its massive spam and pretty annoying.
  9. I 1 up that I've never properly figured out how to do that and would would like to do so if someone has some spare time to help that would be something I would greatly appreciate. It would always be nice to be able to fix my own issues.
  10. maybe try deleting your player dat in the server
  11. I solved it if anyone had the same issue i enabled fake user login in buildcraft cfg and then that allowed pex control so fake user dosent have to be oped and ignore worldguard
  12. World border to limit the map to 3000 blocks or what ever size u want great plugin it will even load all the chunks in the area if you run the command
  13. Is that in world guard config? Also will they still work outside the world guard region
  14. hello i have a question about quarries.So i have a big spawn area on my server and it is protected by world guard but quarries can still destroy the blocks. Is there a way to prevent this because i have rooms people can rent on a different floor and i don't want them spawning a quarry and wrecking the area.
  15. Import all of the required things, (Tekkit.jar, mod_IC2.zip) and click "export" in eclipse. It will make a .jar file for you, open it to get your .class file. (you must import or it will not work as intended.)
  16. ive been building my server getting all the good plugins in ect built a really nice spawn area and now i explore my map and its mostly water around where i built my main building what do i do i dont wanna loose my spawn area but i dont want people to have to take a boat for 10 mins to find a good chunk of land.
  17. lol so true but helpful at the same time im thinking about putting it on my server i am just running normal tekkit right now hope-in to get 60 slots on my server wondering how much this will help over normal tekkit server.
  18. What's a alternative to tekkit restrict then?
  19. Ah I see well I have a 30/30 mbit connection and should have 16gb of ram dedicated to the server. I feel like I find a new plugin to put on the server every day lol
  20. i decompiled the .class file to a jad file to edit it how do i recompile it?
  21. i was attempting to put nolagg on my server from here http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nolagg/ i installed bkcommonlib too but both gave me errors is the the right nolagg plugin that everyone use's?
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