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Everything posted by MarMigs

  1. IGN: MarMigs and MRrakanar (my friend) Age: 15 (both) Skype(optional): I'd rather give it by PM or ingame Tekkit experience(1-10): 6 (both) Time Zone: GMT How much time do you plan on playing per day? 1 to 8 hours depends The build you are most proud of? of my automated furnace in another server Why do you think our server is right for you? Because it has EE and looks very good!
  2. This is my friend. IGN: MRrakanar TIMEZONE: GMT AGE: 15 EXPERIENCE: Almost none. REASON TO JOIN: He's joining me in my adventure.
  3. IGN: MarMigs TIMEZONE: GMT+0 (portugal) AGE: 15 EXPERIENCE: still learning a bit about IC2. REASON TO JOIN: I want a new server to play on with EE, because I want to test it. I hope I get accepted :D
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