Ingame Name: LethalXO
Age: 17
Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes, still learning primarily however.
Amount Played (If Yes): A couple days worth of playing and I have been watching tons of tutorials to learn and be able to contribute to a server.
Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please): Though being new to the Technic Mod pack, I would like to join the server for a few reasons. Primarily I would like to join to be able to learn within a community with people to judge and help improve and refine my builds or machines. Also, the single player experience is by far the least enjoyable way to play this Mod and it would be awesome to survive and strive with more than just myself. Finally, the map seems to have some incredibly interesting landscapes with plenty of room to build larger buildings or other large scale facilities.
Previous Bans: From my knowledge I have never been banned from any servers I used to be apart of.
(Unless of course my younger brother got banned from any servers I helped him join. )