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About mokeyblade9

  • Birthday 10/28/1995

mokeyblade9's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN:monkeyblade99 Age:19 Tekkit experience(1-10):9 Time Zone:GMT: -5.00 How much time do you plan on playing per day?: after my classes about (my time) 3:56 The build you are most proud of? red matter factory Why do you think our server is right for you? seems like a very mature server
  2. IGN: monkeyblade99 and monkeyblade007 (second account) Age:19 Country/Timezone:NY/eastern us and canada Tekkit Experience:i have made many things my greatist accomlishment on a different server was quantum Reason for joining:i would like to see this cool looking server Have you read the rules:yes How long have you played tekkit:bout a year What you feel you can contribute: i am good at pixel art and making big and nice looking builds Time you can contribute to the server:well im on about most of the week sometismes im not on, on saturdays
  3. IGN monkeyblade99 Age 19 Reason for joining seems fun Have you read the rules yes Tekkit experience played for 4 years
  4. Name/Nickname:Lee IGN: monkeyblade99 Age:19 Time Zone:EST USA Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community)sure y not if you promice to be nice and not swear the whole time or be "naughty" Will you be a dedicated player on our server? yes i get on minecraft when i finish my collage work Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: im female can u plz accept me im very bored with single player
  5. IGN:monkeyblade99 Age:19 Timezone(in GMT+x):idk and i dont want to check but i do know i live in EST US and CANADA Why do you wan't to play on our server:it sounds cool Have you ever been banned:no Month you're applying for: december 21
  6. Name/Nickname:Lee IGN:monkeyblade99 Age:19 Time Zone:EST USA Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community)no i hate things like skype Will you be a dedicated player on our server? yes i get on minecraft when i finish my collage work Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: im female
  7. IGN: monkeyblade99 Age 19 Skype: i hate skype How long will you spend on a day: if you mean how lond i play on tekkit... i get on right after class Reason for wanting to join: i think this sounds like a good tekkit server Favorite build: uu farm, cake factory and good ol emc farms A little about yourself: im very good at tekkit and im female
  8. In Game Name: monkeyblade007 Age:15 Have you had any bans before? no Timezone: easturn us Tekkit experience: little but my freind monkeyblade99 is really good at tekkit ive watched her play send email to [email protected] plz
  9. In Game Name: monkeyblade99 Age:19 Have you had any bans before? no Timezone: easturn us Tekkit experience: lots send ip by email plz ([email protected])
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