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About Stevie_Noob

  • Birthday 07/11/1994

Stevie_Noob's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Well this is very dissapointing to see an owner who really doesn't care. I've moved on to other, far more advanced servers . But I hope you will not take abusive staff so lightly in the future, because after awhile when new players defeat regular players the regulars will have admins just ban them. So then all you'll have is a handful of full time players.
  2. If you guys want to find a awesome server this is the place to be everyone this server has a great staff and nice players join today! Stevie_Noob
  3. It is very difficult to find a server that's as hardcore as this one is. Not as many banned items, great staff, great players. That's why I love this server! My friends and I have had so much fun playing and hope to be playing a very long time!! Thank you! IGN Stevie_Noob
  4. All we did was take the collectors and condensors. Also ilikturtles greifed our house. It wasn't just us two it was the whole faction!
  5. Also my friend darkbunny1000 was banned and i quote iliketurtles "I'm the law bitch"
  6. Hello, earlier today I was playing on your server and about to raid stowty's faction. Then all of a sudden iliketurtles started saying I was annoying and a greifer. I couldn't greif the faction because it was claimed!!!! I was just trying to kill one of the members. I was trying to explain to iliketurtles but it was like talking to a wall. Then he banned me. I don't greif i don't spam or ask questions. I guess I tried to raid one of iliketurtles's friends. Please unban me I did nothing to offend anyone. I just joined yesterday and it is probably my favorite server. Thank you for listing!
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