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About Lanka

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Lanka's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Would rather see it added regardless. You people keep saying how easy it is to disable parts of the pack so servers that see it an issue could just disable it..
  2. One EE route: Create Lava Cells in Energy Condenser and pipe them into Lava Generators. That's the latest and easiest to maintain way of creating EU that we ended up to in our server. While it may seem a bit of cheating to create lava out of light, set it up right once and you'll never have to worry about it. Piping controlled by MFSU and it won't overflow generators with the cells either.
  3. Sometimes they work - usually they crash. I'd just avoid using them if its in any way possible. The crash is more likely longer the world has been running. Soon after making the first teleport pipes they worked flawless; now that world has been going on for over a month game crashes within 5 seconds of opening the panel. Things that have changed: there are more tp-pipes in game, they are further away from each others (piping quarry stuff for sorting) and there's more and more items going through them. Something, or all, of the three causes them to glitch when you try to configure them.
  4. Windturbine at 72 level with practicly hugging a wall produces ~1EU/t.. Ofcourse occasionally they won't produce anything, but they seem to work just fine <80 level. (And since the map seems to think we are in England its raining every effing day thus said windturbine produces 1.7~1.9EU/t) Here, let me show what my windfarm powering the factory looks like - with average EU/t per tower. That's 6 blocks between them in height and 8 blocks horizontal between the glass cables (= 6 blocks between turbines where they are next to each others) By average all together they produce ~230~250EU/t
  5. Just out of curiosity, why are you playing with such idiots who wish to ruin the map? Granted our server got a couple of people who like to just dick around and refuse to start any own projects, but they behave under threat of lifetime ban and eternal damnation.. >>;
  6. After server restarted it looked like this: http://i.imgur.com/2Sytb.png That's about 5k wheat in the pipes. After filling the system with manure to get it going again the overflow wheat filled 3 small chests.. :s What we learn here is if you log out of the game - turn things off, even if you think it won't cause problems.
  7. While waiting our server admin to wake up and fix the mess I've cau.. - the mess that wasn't caused by me, much, I thought I'd share something you probably shouldn't try at home. Because I think this is exacly what Disney tried to warn us about in Fantasia (you know, the Mickey Mouse being sorcerer's apprentice? Here's the clip if you're one of those kids that have never even heard of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XChxLGnIwCU) So let's imagine I wanted to build huge array of combustion engines, that require lots of gas to run on - so I figured I'd make first automated system to produce tons of biogas through fermenting wheat (easier to produce than sapplings, if maybe less effective in the process). Fully automated process with 4 Forestry farms, 16 fermenters, 8 stills - tons of piping and wiring. It did work, it just doesn't produce enough wheat to supply everything for even 1/10th of full efficiency operation, so I tried to boost it up with EE's rings in pedestals. 4 Harvest Goddess' with 4 Blackholes on alchemy chests with piping down to the fermenters. That worked better, it keeps the fermenters running at most of the time, with occasional hiccups depending of the supply. I log in, turn things on to see if they can keep going - and friend asks me to play. I log out. Now if you've played with the Fermenters, you'll notice I never mentioned Manure/Fertilizer. I did actually make system to supply all the fermenters with roughly equal amount of manure, and additional obsidian piping network that would collect overflow of wheat/manure and loop it back in for other fermenters to balance the supply. It was intented that for building phase the system would choke out if it ran out of manure to 'burn' the wheat with, but that was before I put in the magical items and didn't think what logging out for 4 hours would do. Because when I remembered that I forgot to actually turn the things off and logged in, I was greeted by black screen with stars and about 10000000000000 pieces of wheat floating around. Followed by java socket error and dead server. *Cough.* ._.
  8. Electric engines start working when they can get 1EU/t (probably not much more efficient than redstone engine at that point, but it does move) and work at full efficiency when they can get 6EU/t. Far as I know there isn't 2~5EU/t though. So either you need to supply all or (near) nothing. They are capped to the 6EU/t though. Or at least mine only take that much from a wire that could give them up to 512EU/t Also good thing is you can put them to 512EU/t net without the engine exploding. Makes it hella lot easier to manage multiple engines when you don't actually need to share it with BatBoxes/MFEs.
  9. Same here. Deleted all the files in .technic, doesn't help. Apparently dling new(?) launcher from (the link on site under Launcher header) works. Try it?
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