Re: Ho do i become self sustaining? from the start...
Not necessarily. Investing in EE with about 12 diamonds or so (along with a few other goodies you find along the way) eventually gives you free stacks of everything but Uranium with nothing else invested but sitting around. EE also makes finding those dozen diamonds a trivial exercise since you quickly gain the ability to spot them through 64 squares of rock.
Lacking EE, I often go for a Forestry production chain of Wheat Farm, Tree Farm and Peat Bog tied together with either buildcraft pipes or redpower tubes to a couple of carpenters, a pump and a moistener, with buildcraft being cheaper but less flexible. Automated production of wheat, wood, peat (which provides huge amounts of buildcraft power, same amount as a steam engine but a stack of peat burns for more than 4 hours of real time), send your extra saplings to a couple of fermenters and a still and you can run a combustion engine or two as well. It's self-sustaining and can be almost entirely automated with just pipes. I build peasant huts around the centers of my farms and such, run the pipes underground and place it all next to a castle.
A standard IC2 start works just as well since power converters are part of the mod. You can easily run your buildcraft stuff off of electric power and a starting nuclear plant is pretty cheap to make considering you can double your metal production with a macerator. 70 Copper, 40 Tin, 35 Bronze, 65 Iron or so (you only have to mine half that) along with a dozen each of lapis and glowstone and you've got a working nuclear plant once you build your basic machines. Such a starting plant can easily output 40 EU/t without building up heat so your only limitation is fuel and Uranium is pretty plentiful.