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About Meow1818

  • Birthday 06/08/1982

Meow1818's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Im sorry guys ive been quite busy BTW the servers now Normal Minecraft PVP so i cant use this forum anymore Hope to see as many of my people on as b4 Thx
  2. What about it isnt updated. Or do you meen to 1.3
  3. Well what do you think should be unbanned.
  4. Welcome to TSC TimeSpaceCraft.webs.com TSC is a new server that is looking for more mature and advanced tekkit players to join but we dont mind new players as long as there not always buging us admins Hope to see you on TSC. Lets start off with some photos Of Spawn and Shop regions Server Rules: No Spamming Griefing Swearing Hacking No draining oceans water but u may drain the nethers lava Banned Items: DM Pedestal Nova Catalyst Nova Cataclysm ALL Dark Matter Tools ALL Red Matter Tools Infernal Armor Transmutation tablet - both types Destruction catalyst Catalytic Lense Volcanite Amulet Black Hole Band Ring of Ignition Ring of Arcana Zero Ring Hyperkinetic Lense Black Hole Chest Ender Chest Watch of Flowing Time TnT Dynamite Sticky Dynamite Nuke World Anchor Dimensional Anchor Teleport Tether Mining Lazer Industrial Alarm Howler Alarm Quantumsuit Boots Quantumsuit Leggings Quantumsuit Bodyarmor Quantumsuit Helmet Cannon Cannon Ball Terraformer Block Cutter Upgrade Crystal Chests Plugins: ClearLagg Essentials Griefprevention LWC Multiverse TekkitRestrict TreeAssist WorldEdit WorldGuard DisableCraft Usefull Commands: /sethome /home /spawn /tpa /tpaccept /mail /sell /balance General: By asking for higher ranks it further ruins your chances in the future Applying for higher ranks: Players may apply for admin/mod in this layout InGameName: AGE: Reason for position: A little bit about yourself Send email to [email protected] Hope to see you on the server
  5. Thats Realy amazing drawing :)
  6. There's a queue, bucko. Bothering us isn't going to make it move any faster.

    From actually looking at the submission, it's getting rejected.

  7. Jay are you checking server thread posts

  8. Waiting for Moderators to review my server page :

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