Age: 14
IGN: wcs1998
Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: Never been banned from a server.
Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences): I think this server is for me because I've been looking for a good server with no banned items so I can play unrestricted with other people and hopefully make friends while doing so. I like to talk in the chat often and like working together, but I've had some bad experiences with non-whitelisted servers as I'm too trusting and wake up griefed or stolen from. By applying for this whitelisted server I'm hoping to find trustworthy people who I can play Tekkit with, without worrying about grief/raiding.
Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences): I am a new member to the Technic community, but I have been playing MineCraft for a good year or so. I am a creative person and enjoy working together with people to create art on this game. Since coming to Tekkit I've found boundless building capabilities, and have found joy in building with all the new blocks. I've also never griefed anyone, not even in revenge, for I simply just leave the server. I will never, ever, raid, steal, or any of that. I'm an honorable, trustworthy person, and I know that you won't trust me right away so I hope to earn it.
Have you read and studied the rules: Yes, I will not grief, raid, steal, curse, flame, cap lock, whine, or spam and I will be supportive and friendly to other new Tekkit players who may not be as experienced as others.
What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): I'm hoping that I'll be able to contribute to the productiveness of the server, giving it a good name and being nice to new players coming in. I can't contribute any insane knowledge of BuildCraft or ic2, but I hope my friendliness and openness will make up for that. If anything, I hope to contribute some art, as I enjoy making sculptures and buildings. I really feel that I can be good for this server if you give me the chance.
I hope I can play some Tekkit with you soon