As summer break starts and school is winding down, we hope to open up our server to some more new friends. We have about 10 regular players that were friends off our vanilla server, but we think it would be fun to have new people join. Many of us are pretty far into the game, but the mods are still new to most of us. Your timezone, however, does matter to us, since we'd like to play with you!
We DO NOT have craftbukkit installed, it is completely vanilla in that aspect. There are no plugins or extra mods.
Here are the rules:
No stealing from others' chests WITHOUT permission
PVP only when challenged (don't go around attacking people out of nowhere. Let them know you want to fight)
No griefing
No racism/sexism/slurs/homophobia/rape jokes (we have no tolerance) Swearing, however, is OK
Pranks/Gifts are ok and welcomed!
In-game name :
Fave color for starter kit:
I will private message you if we think you'll be good for the server. Good luck!