I just played Ascention for about 15 minutes. Yay! So far, it's great, it has a creepy atmosphere, scary enemies, and it always makes you feel like you're put on edge. The controls, though, aren't responding very well, but it might just be my laptop. I must say that it is basically like Lone Survivor, but this one is scarier. What kind of annoys me, though, is that you enter doors so slowly, and that becomes a problem because an enemy can attack you even if you're entering the doors.
TheBytemaster, can you please tell me how to use a health pack, if you know it? I can't really figure out how to use them.
But despite that, so far, I give this game ten outta ten! You gotta go ten outta ten! Mooseman9, if you get this reference, you're awesome. :D