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About Shalezstorm

  • Birthday 03/02/1997

Shalezstorm's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. If you would even consider this it would be awesome and I would love to play with you :P

  2. Hey I know this is really late but if you are still looking for someone to play with I am 14 nearing 15, Have played tekkit for almost 2 years now, have knowledge on all the mods of classic and some on space. I am a quick thinker, have a good ingenuity and love to build amazing and giant contraptions. My ign is Jjdawgjj and my skype is Jdawg7533.

  3. While there is no official SSP Technic there is a user made one - http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/removed-modpack Paste that into the the Technic launcher to add it.
  4. Yeah I know Minecraft lets play totally done before in every way imaginable, but still it can't hurt to check one more out.....can it? My Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MelonMan1024 Soon I will be uploading a modded minecraft let's play so stay tuned for that.
  5. No offence but what do you bring to the partnership, you cant record, you cant host and yet you still want to pick what to do.
  6. M-C should be banned as he thinks his profile pic is superior, profile pic nazi!
  7. Whoops the screen showed me theprolo above me not Captain Scar
  8. theprolo should be banned because he obviously used MS Paint to make his icon.
  9. Captain Scar should be banned because he has 2 Skull and cross bones, like come on that's kinda overkill.
  10. Industrial miner should be banned as there is no point in a terminator wearing armour.
  11. watsonj11 should be banned as he didn't realize that I was his secret son.
  12. WET- Western European time
  13. I'm really sorry for not responding, I replied on this thread that I would be gone for the weekend and busy this week but it never posted. i like the public server idea. Sorry again.
  14. 1.How old are you? -15 2.Can you pay the two dollars a month? =No sorry I am broke right now. 3.Do comply with the rules what can we add and what can we take out? - Yes I comply. 4.Skype name - Ian Mallin 5.Youtube link(And twitch) -Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/user/MelonMan1024 Twitch- http://www.twitch.tv/melonman124/videos# 6.Why would you like to join?(Don't even both signing up if is not over a paragraph)- Hi I have been starting to upload to YouTube, but am finding it hard to get views and I think a partner would really help. This is because a lot of my humor comes from conversation and messing about with friends, which is hard to convey when you record alone. So I think another person would really help my views increase. I am hoping to one day have YouTube as a full time job hopefully by getting a partnership, so any help and cooperation is appreciated. 7.What can you bring? (Don't fill out if you think you answer this is the six one.)- A mature voice, good organisational skills and a bit of a laugh. 8.Are you new to Tekkit? How long have you played?- I am not new I have been playing for about a year and a half. 9. Anything else you would like to add?- Just 1 word of warning I have slow internet so may take a while to upload sometimes. 10. A little bit about you.- Well I am Irish and live in Wexford, but am originally from Dublin. I am a diabetic so am quite mature for my age, and I am used to dealing with problems.
  15. IGN:PigSlayer1024 IRL:Ian Can you host a server: I can use FreeMinecraftHost for up to 4 people. Skype (required!): Ian Mallin Wich map do you want:Fresh one Mic:Yes Age (12-18):14 Minecraft experience:Have played for 3 years now and a wide variety of gamemodes. My country:Ireland
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