1.How old are you? -15
2.Can you pay the two dollars a month? =No sorry I am broke right now.
3.Do comply with the rules what can we add and what can we take out? - Yes I comply.
4.Skype name - Ian Mallin
5.Youtube link(And twitch) -Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/user/MelonMan1024 Twitch- http://www.twitch.tv/melonman124/videos#
6.Why would you like to join?(Don't even both signing up if is not over a paragraph)- Hi I have been starting to upload to YouTube, but am finding it hard to get views and I think a partner would really help. This is because a lot of my humor comes from conversation and messing about with friends, which is hard to convey when you record alone. So I think another person would really help my views increase. I am hoping to one day have YouTube as a full time job hopefully by getting a partnership, so any help and cooperation is appreciated.
7.What can you bring? (Don't fill out if you think you answer this is the six one.)- A mature voice, good organisational skills and a bit of a laugh.
8.Are you new to Tekkit? How long have you played?- I am not new I have been playing for about a year and a half.
9. Anything else you would like to add?- Just 1 word of warning I have slow internet so may take a while to upload sometimes.
10. A little bit about you.- Well I am Irish and live in Wexford, but am originally from Dublin. I am a diabetic so am quite mature for my age, and I am used to dealing with problems.