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Everything posted by gregbridge

  1. i dod too and it tells me to consult the forge-loader-config-log 0 file
  2. Got this account to apply for whitelist servers heck yea!!!

  3. Also I forgot to mention I am very good with IC2, Redpower, Buildcraft and I have a fair amount of knowledge in EE2.
  4. In game name: gregbridge Age: 15 (almost 16 in a couple months) Location: Georgia Am I banned from any servers? Not banned from any other servers. Minecraft Experience: I started playing Vanilla minecraft when Beta update 1.4.1 came out, so simply a long time. I started playing Tekkit around late September this year and have a lot of good knowledge concerning how to use the mods inside of Tekkit. Why I want to be on this server: I have been hopping around open servers for some time and they are all good but overcrowded. They also normally have many bans and strict rules to accommodate for the large amount of open slots. I love playing alongside a lot of people but it was too much so I started searching for a decent small and white listed server. I wanted a white listed server because it keeps out the annoying noobs and griefers which can be easily found in open servers. Also with it being low open slots it allows for people to build more machines without causing major lag spikes. This server looks very promising and I would love to be able to join it and start building with out the worry of random strangers logging on only to break the rules and grief all of my stuff. Please allow me to play on your server, Thanks.
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