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Everything posted by TortugaManta

  1. I'm looking for someone with a server that would be willing to let me play with them. I'm no able to make my own server at the moment and just want to play without all the banned items, lag, and trolls. So if anyone would like to have me along then please inform me. Thank-you Edit: I'm willing to voice chat or text either way works
  2. hello i was wondering if you are still up for making a server for a few people. if so i would like to know if i would be able to join in on your game.

  3. Spencer ign: TortugaManta time:Central age: 15 skype not working sorry
  4. Sorry im kinda late my internet has been down if you still want to add me i would be very happy

    1. woundedpelican


      sure whats your skype

    2. TortugaManta


      I don't have one cause I don't have a webcam but if your ok with typing I can always do that

  5. Thanks for the info
  6. I'm looking for someone who can make a server cause im relativity new so im not sure how but if anyone is willing to make a private server that would be great
  7. I was wondering if anyone could make a server for just a few people and we could just work together to build pretty much everything. I just want to play online with out all the rules and banned item, pretty much like single player is. If anyone would it would make this much more enjoyable.
  8. I'll join if you make a server
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