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About Sai

  • Birthday 02/06/1992

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  1. The IC2 Problem is this: Old: Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockBarrel. ID: 217 Block. Name: tile.blockCrop. ID: 218 Block. Name: tile.blockLuminatorD. ID: 219 Block. Name: tile.blockScaffold. ID: 220 Block. Name: tile.blockWall. ID: 221 Block. Name: tile.blockFoam. ID: 222 Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockMachine2. ID: 223 Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockMetal. ID: 224 Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockPersonal. ID: 225 Block. Name: tile.blockLuminator. ID: 226 Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockElectric. ID: 227 Block. Name: ic2.common.BlockCable. ID: 228 New: Block. Name: ic2.core.block.BlockBarrel. ID: 217 Block. Name: tile.blockCrop. ID: 218 Block. Name: tile.blockLuminatorD. ID: 219 Block. Name: tile.blockScaffold. ID: 220 Block. Name: tile.blockWall. ID: 221 Block. Name: tile.blockFoam. ID: 222 Block. Name: ic2.core.block.machine.BlockMachine2. ID: 223 Block. Name: ic2.core.block.BlockMetal. ID: 224 Block. Name: ic2.core.block.personal.BlockPersonal. ID: 225 Block. Name: tile.blockLuminator. ID: 226 Block. Name: ic2.core.block.wiring.BlockElectric. ID: 227 Block. Name: ic2.core.block.wiring.BlockCable. ID: 228 You should fix it manually Rename it in the old or the new file... (or both) or search and replace in both files like this: ic2.core.block.machine.BlockMachine2. = ic2.BlockMachine2. I try to fix this problem into a new version.
  2. Hi, i wrote a script to convert IDMap Dumps to mIDasGold patch file format. To create an IDMap Dump: login to Game --> Press "E" --> Click on "Options" (left bottom corner) --> Click on "Block/Item ID Settings" --> Activate "Dump BlockIDs" and "Dump ItemIDs" --> Click on "Dump ID Map Now" that's it. You need this from the OLD and the NEW Tekkit version. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Name this files: "IDMap dump NEW.txt" and "IDMap dump OLD.txt" (<-- these are my dump files) OK now you need my Program: Download here If you don't trust me download the AHK file here or copy the code there: #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. savetext = Patchfile.txt ; Patch file OLDText = IDMap dump OLD.txt ; Text file with old ID's NEWText = IDMap dump NEW.txt ; Text file with new ID's OLDTemp = temp/OLDTemp.txt NEWTemp = temp/NEWTemp.txt IfExist, %savetext% ; Check if Patch file already exist { MsgBox, 4,, File already exist! Do you want to override? IfMsgBox, No return FileDelete, %savetext% FileDelete, %OLDTemp% FileDelete, %NEWTemp% } FileCreateDir, temp Loop { FileReadLine, line, %OLDText%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break break IfNotInString, line, Unuse { IfInString, line, ic2 { StringReplace, linenew, line, .common StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .core StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .block.,. StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .personal StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .wiring StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .generator StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .machine StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .item.,. StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .tool StringReplace, linenew, linenew, shedar StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .mods StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .nuclearcontrol StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .advancedmachines FileAppend, %linenew%`n, %OLDTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file } else { FileAppend, %line%`n, %OLDTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file } } } Loop { FileReadLine, line, %NEWText%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break break IfNotInString, line, Unuse { IfInString, line, ic2 { StringReplace, linenew, line, .common StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .core StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .block.,. StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .personal StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .wiring StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .generator StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .machine StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .item.,. StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .tool StringReplace, linenew, linenew, shedar StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .mods StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .nuclearcontrol StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .advancedmachines FileAppend, %linenew%`n, %NEWTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file } else { FileAppend, %line%`n, %NEWTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file } } } Loop { IDfound = 0 ; do not change FileReadLine, line, %OLDTemp%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break break IfNotInString, line, Unuse { StringSplit, splitline, line, : ; Split the String into an array Loop, Read, %NEWTemp% ; Read the Text file with new ID's and Loop { line2 = %A_LoopReadLine% IfNotInString, line2, Unuse { IfInString, line2, %splitline2% ; Check the lines { StringSplit, splitlinetwo, line2, : ; Split the String into an array (each ":") StringReplace, split, splitline3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing StringReplace, splittwo, splitlinetwo3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing FileAppend, %split% -> %splittwo%`n, %savetext% ; Save new Line in Patch file IDfound = 1 break } if ( IDfound = 1 ) { break } } } if ( IDfound = 0 ) { StringReplace, split, splitline3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing FileAppend, %split% -> 1`n, %savetext% ; Save new Line in Patch file } } } FileDelete, %OLDTemp% FileDelete, %NEWTemp% MsgBox, The end of the file has been reached or there was a problem. `r`nThis file was created by Kai K. http://www.game-server-germany.eu return ; This file was created by Kai K. http://www.game-server-germany.eu Now copy the file in the folder where the IDMap Dump files are and Run it. Now you have a File with a view bug's... fix it ^^ (here is my FILE) You can delete standard MC ID's (like: "1 -> 1" ...) 124 is Redstonelamp ON and the Program try to convert it to 123 Redstonelamp OFF (delete standart items) Please report new BUGs thx ^^ Sorry for MAC and Linux Users... All Links that i Posted: IDMap dump NEW.txt IDMap dump OLD.txt Patchfileautomation.exe Patchfileautomation.ahk Patchfile.txt I hope you can understand it ^^ (sorry, my english)
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