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Posts posted by SeanWcom

  1. Yeah, I tried it out for myself and it appears to work. But my concern is this:

    Optifine has ast.class (42k) AND Forge has ast.class (16k). The manual install method is to drag all the optifine classes into the modpack.jar which overwrites that existing one from Forge. The FTB launcher (and MultiMC) both have ways of handling mods that need to be injected into the main jar by using an "instMods" folder. Then the launcher takes care of the merges without conflicting.

    Anyway - like I said, I tried manually and it SEEMS to work - but I can't imagine that overwriting that Forge class file is a good thing. :)

  2. So I've got my custom modpack up and running for my guys - it's working great and I love the new platform (especially TechnicSolder)! But what I'm not sure about is loading client side mods that I don't want included in the modpack. Like Optifine. I like it, some of my users like it, but others don't want it. I know I could include it in my modpack, but since some don't want it, I don't want to force it.

    Unfortunately Optifine needs to be injected into minecraft.jar - or in this case, in modpack.jar. But there are class files in there with the same name, and I can't imagine it's good to overwrite them (I'm using Forge in my modpack.jar). We're coming from the FTB launcher where we could normally include the Optifine zip file in the instMods folder, but I don't see that the Technic launcher supports anything like that... maybe I'm wrong?

    So any tips? What's the best way to get Optifine (and potentially others) installed without them being in the modpack?


  3. Cool, thanks - it's definitely something that requires a bit more imagination than I'm used to. Haha! The key will definitely be getting more familiar with the mod (and all the others as well). I wish I could just convince my friends to start from scratch in a brand new TekkitLite world instead of porting over our CraftBukkit world. Oh well. :)

  4. I did tinker around with MystCraft in creative mode just to figure it out (while watching a handful of YouTube vids). VERY cool mod for sure. :)

    What I wasn't able to figure out is whether or not you could link to areas in the same "age" (or the same world). Sitting here at work I thought of something that might work, maybe you can tell me: Say I've got two points I want to link together, points A and B. If I create a linking book at each point, but put the books at the opposite point (on a stand), would they link together? If so, that would certainly be an alternative - and technically, a much cooler alternative. Just not quite as simple. :)

    As for the crystal portals, I did watch a video about it, but didn't have time to test it out. Again, are those able to be linked within the same age? I did find some information about "Intra-Age" linking in a MystCraft wiki (http://binarymage.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ages:linking) that states:

    Neither Linking Books nor Descriptive Books allow players to link to a location in the same age they currently occupy, without a
    Link Modifier
    . If you wish to use a non-Intra Age linkbook to travel to a place within the same Age, you must first link to another Age, then back to the first.

    Obviously, I hope that we all end up with the resources to have a link modifier, but we won't have it from the start (unless I prebuild some for everyone... that's a possibility). Sorry, I'm starting to ramble now. I'll wrap it up.

    Oh, and I also saw in that howto thread that MultiVerse Portals were working, but another note that said most MultiVerse stuff wasn't working - so I didn't even try that one.

  5. Hi all, I hope this hasn't been asked or discussed. I tried searching for portal info, but most of the results are related to MystCraft.

    What I'm looking for is a simple portal/teleport mod that will work with TekkitLite (or even Tekkit Classic). I run a CraftBukkit server for a small group of friends and we love the Stargate plugin. It's very simple and I don't have to teach people any custom commands. They just build up the right shape, add a sign to name it and put it on their "network", and done. I've tried to get Stargate working using BukkitForge and the instructions here, but have not had any luck.

    Can anyone suggest something simple I can use to replace that (or has anyone gotten that one working?). Everyone wants to get into all the awesome mods included with Tekkit/TekkitLite, but no one wants to lose their portal networks. :)


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