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Everything posted by cavemanjoe125

  1. APPLICATION: Name/Nickname: tommy IGN: cavemanjoe125 Age:14 Time Zone:estern central Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) maybe but probly not in the bigining Will you be a dedicated player on our server? yes Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: i love to build and am to join your comunity
  2. IGN: cavemanjoe125 Age: 14 Skype(optional): Tekkit experience(1-10): 8 Time Zone: eastern standard How much time do you plan on playing per day? 3 to 4 hours The build you are most proud of? my kingdom in technic Why do you think our server is right for you? I have been trying to find a good server but most of them have all the items that are an difficult to make banned allso because i am tired of being greided and stolen form
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