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About Coldfist

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Coldfist's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Why won't you be updating the 128x version?
  2. In-Game Name: Coldfist Age: 13 Experience with Tekkit: A decent amount, I learned mostly from Direwolf20 Did you read the rules?: Yes Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/c0e2dac88ed3c0cb337de7cd8bea2e6b19e66df3 Why were you banned?: The first one says the reason it was for "Import" whatever that means and the second was for looking in a chest which was not allowed and they thought I was stealing (I didn't) it was not stated that looking in other peoples chests was not allowed at that time so I didn't know but it says the reason is griefing it wasn't actually, I just told you the reason.
  3. Are you going to be updating to Technic 7??? If possible would you also do Forestry and Portal Gun in the TP also please?
  4. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1] Whenevery I try to go to http://eclipse-project.de it says "Internet explorer cannot display this webpage" I diagnosed it and it says the host is not responding so was the site moved? Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Modular Force Field System (MFFS)
  6. I just have a small suggestion as I'm sure you already know from the subject. I personally think that when there is a new update for Technic it should not say "There is a new update available for Technic SSP, would you like to update?" I think it should say "There is a new update available for Technic, would you like to update?" If you didn't notice the difference between the two it was that I got rid of the SSP. Why? Because there is no longer a Technic SMP, only Tekkit. Please take the time to consider this suggestion. :)
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