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  1. I just ran into this yesterday. It's a documented issue with IC2's handling of meta-data/damage-values and pops up with various rechargable items such as RE-Batteries. Essentially the form of the item being requested by an automatic crafting table doesn't match what it's being given. Here's one link where you can read about it: https://github.com/RS485/LogisticsPipes/issues/187 Of all the potential solutions I came across on various pages yesterday none seemed to work reliably but I noticed one guy saying he simply used an automatic crafting table mk.2 for that particular recipe and it worked. This has also worked for me so I'd suggest trying it. I believe I read that this IC2 issue is either very difficult to fix or unlikely to be fixed, though I'm not sure which page I saw that on. Then again, your post is a little challenging to understand so I could be responding to something entirely different than what you intended. Try punctuation sometime.
  2. Thanks for pointing out the factorization stuff, I'll look into that. edit: Holy, that is quite the process and automating it would require some real effort. Since I have no factorization infrastructure set up I think this may be something to put off for now.
  3. Just a quick question: Would it be wise for me to setup a simple auto-maceration system to macerate everything I can, or is there some reason to hold some ore back and not macerate it? Thanks in advance. edit: I was thinking of ores when I wrote this. I know that I wouldn't want to auto-macerate all cobblestone, for example.
  4. As this seems to be a very common issue, I would think it should be fairly straighforward to make the launcher detect dropbox URLs and make the (very simple) edits necessary. If this issue is so easily solved with other common hosting solutions (mediafire, for example?) it could be extended to cover them as well.
  5. This was fixed in the latest update to Logistics Pipes http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/changes
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