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Everything posted by sshaggy

  1. I am having the exact same issue since updating the launcher. Same error, with internet connection its fine, without internet it will not work!!!! Hoping they have a fix for this soon.
  2. I'm having the same issue!! :(
  3. Thanks Gorrilix!! We try to be a player driven community, and we love our community and its support. If you haven't joined our community come check us out at http://www.nuclearwinterminecraft.com
  4. Hey guys, we had to restart the map. New spawn that looks amazing. Screenshots to come. We made some changes to make the in-game economy work correctly. Come try us out.
  5. Community is growing, come join us. Nothing banned, Nothing disabled!!
  6. Thanks guys, we work hard to try to make it the best experience we possibly can. Also updating to 1.0.5
  7. Its the standard Voltz mod files with the exception of Bukkit and the plugins used
  8. Went back to 1.1.3 because 1.1.4 is too buggy New world, new beginnings
  9. Seems a lot of people are having issues connecting. If your crashing with the error report stating mechanism, here is a work around. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/anyone-know-how-to-fix-this.42548/#post-348332
  10. not a problem
  11. Figured it out, surfed many threads to find a solution but I found one that worked. change the config file for mechanism, there is a line near the top that says updatenotification=true, change that to false, save and reload technic.
  12. Figured it out, surfed many threads to find a solution but I found one that worked. change the config file for mechanism, there is a line near the top that says updatenotification=true, change that to false, save and reload technic.
  13. I am having the same issue, some of the members of my server are too. If you find out a solution please be a pal and msg me.
  14. I have tried doing the same, it doesn't matter what version I'm running or whether its in single player or multiplayer I get the same crash report. This didn't happen until I closed my technic launcher and reopened it.
  15. Curious about this one too, have a few players on my server having the same issues. BUMP
  16. Just installed mcMMO, having fun with our Nuclear Winter community.
  17. Come on in guys and gals! we have a special toolkit for this weekend use only. Stop by and check it out.
  18. No sadly it cannot be crafted, :/ but if you have the ingots it would require to make the item an admin will take care of your needs until this bug is fixed. On other notes we have the server up and running see you in the mine ;)
  19. We have updated to version 1.0.11 Recommended build, currently we are working on building the spawn and store, we hope to be back live for your pleasure very shortly.
  20. Looks like we will be updating to the newest version, hope to see you all on the other side
  21. We will be updating to the new version this week, this means that all the hard work all of us have put into this world will sadly be gone.... if you would like to suggest a seed for the new world, drop us a line on the server or on here.
  22. Had some ups and downs ... happy with our regulars and hope to see more coming soon
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