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Everything posted by Yai

  1. AGE: 23 IGN: Yai99 Minecraft/Tekkit experience: Minecraft for years. Tekkit for about 6 months. Knowledge in all major mods! Extra information is always appreciated: Really just looking for a friendly mature community to build some great machinery. I love science!
  2. - In Game Name: Yai99 - Age: 23 - What do you want to build on Copper Craft? Anything really. I'll start off with a nice factory! - Tekkit experience? - playing it for about six months now. Knowledge in all major mods. - Anything you wish to add? Really just looking for a mature friendly community to build some great machinery! (got lots of time for grand projects)
  3. IGN: Yai99 AGE: 23 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: No WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? I love science and automating things i had to do manually in vanilla. I've been playing it for about six months now and still can't get enough. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? A helpful hand and knowledge in all major mods.
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