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About Landswimmer

  • Birthday 08/13/1990

Landswimmer's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. First, the Q&A Age: 17 IGN: Landswimmer Have I ever been banned: I've never been banned. Why I think I should join this server: I've been looking to get into tekkit servers for a long time now. At first I joined large ones and they're just too laggy and overall just terrible. Then I join a small server but it didn't work out. ( The amount of anti-grief was so high I couldn't even share my chests with people without unlocking them to the public, Fail ) I found this thread and I've read up on a lot of the posts ( sorry to hear about the nuking incident ) and you guys seem to be a very tight knit community and that's exactly what I'm looking for. Why I should be accepted to this server: I've never been banned so that's a plus. I won't spam, rage ( maybe a little, hopefully not ) or any anti-friendly behaviors. Overall I've never seen the point of minecraft PVP.. it's a game to build, not lose all your progress. I get having it in arenas/other cool things but not a raiding server. And griefing I'm just completely against. I've wanted to try many things but a lot of the stuff I needed was banned ( Tnt, can't even make a destruction catalyst to make an underground base ) Have I read and studied the rules: Yes, and they look perfect for what I'm looking for. What will I do for the server: I plan to make a factory of some sort at first ( Probably one that makes materials for the newbies on the server ). Then I will expand into other areas of tekkit. Also, I have plenty of other plans, a factory that makes things for newbies automatically, exploring the other mods in tekkit.
  2. I love how he added italics/bold as the "change" to his application.
  3. Wait what? People hate Technic? What's wrong with it?
  4. IN GAME NAME: Landswimmer AGE: 22 TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm creative, I like to draw and build things. ( hence minecraft ) TIMEZONE: CST EVER BANNED? IF SO WHY: Nope TEKKIT EXPERIENCE: Still very new to the whole thing, but I'm learning fast.
  5. I'm sorry.. What? Just use Google and don't blind us with your terrible ability to speak the English language.
  6. When I first tried tekkit, technic and voltage I did use creative to just screw around for awhile but later on I switch to full survival ( With a bit of flying for my own ease ). It makes the game so much more fun.
  7. It COULD be possible. Be the amount of effort that would be needed to do such a thing.. It'd just be pointless.
  8. I'm pretty sure they would clash, constantly. It just wouldn't work out too well, it will just be a buggy mess.
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