First, the Q&A
Age: 17
IGN: Landswimmer
Have I ever been banned: I've never been banned.
Why I think I should join this server: I've been looking to get into tekkit servers for a long time now. At first I joined large ones and they're just too laggy and overall just terrible. Then I join a small server but it didn't work out. ( The amount of anti-grief was so high I couldn't even share my chests with people without unlocking them to the public, Fail ) I found this thread and I've read up on a lot of the posts ( sorry to hear about the nuking incident ) and you guys seem to be a very tight knit community and that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Why I should be accepted to this server: I've never been banned so that's a plus. I won't spam, rage ( maybe a little, hopefully not ) or any anti-friendly behaviors. Overall I've never seen the point of minecraft PVP.. it's a game to build, not lose all your progress. I get having it in arenas/other cool things but not a raiding server. And griefing I'm just completely against. I've wanted to try many things but a lot of the stuff I needed was banned ( Tnt, can't even make a destruction catalyst to make an underground base )
Have I read and studied the rules: Yes, and they look perfect for what I'm looking for.
What will I do for the server: I plan to make a factory of some sort at first ( Probably one that makes materials for the newbies on the server ). Then I will expand into other areas of tekkit.
Also, I have plenty of other plans, a factory that makes things for newbies automatically, exploring the other mods in tekkit.