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Everything posted by Totalfury

  1. Updating whitelist soon. If you are inactive you will be removed.
  2. Kritaro and MeowRawrlemon you have both been whitelisted. Enjoy (:
  3. Hey gamecrazed, My apologies, they just released the new server 0.5.6 and i converted to that. Just update your launcher and your good to go. no need for the custom mod folder anymore.
  4. Tekkit Server is now updated to 0.5.6! Be sure to update your launcher! No more custom file!
  5. You are whitelisted, Please go to our site to download the MOD folder so you can come on the server.
  6. Server has been updated! In order to get on you have to go to totaltekkit.proboards.com and download the MOD folder that I have uploaded. There are instructions on the site on to how to put in this new mod folder. Thank you!
  7. Server will be doing some updating soon. So if it's down, that is why.
  8. Attention Everyone! I never realized how much my server would have grown as a community in such little time. With that being said i have made a site to also request to be white-listed! I will be checking the website i made more often than this forum. http://totaltekkit.proboards.com/index.cgi With that being said, if you cannot connect to my server because your mods are out of date, there will be a direct link the General tab with the zipped file for you. It will have everything you need for my server.
  9. TG860 tylor0824 tmaster99 halleys All have been whitelisted, Enjoy (:
  10. roryodowd jdude42 krissfilms Engineer_Jimmy DeathMordekai You all have been whitelisted. Have fun! (:
  11. bstheminer and Death, read the very first post in this thread, ty.
  12. Unfortunately due to a bug in dimensional anchors it corrupted the world file. I had to start a fresh one as of now. Those of you that i know have been on a lot when you come in i will give assistance on stuff you had before. My apologies about this.
  13. Give me a second. IC2's error spam is pissing me off to the next end. I'll go add it manually.
  14. Sorry everyone, scratch everything, to many bugs still in it...and to much of a hassle for everyone to get everything, reverted back to before.
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