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Everything posted by Totalfury

  1. Currently i bought a server from akliz and I'm in the process of uploading everything! IP will be posted soon.
  2. As of right now, feed the beast ultimate i won't be doing. I have our server back up and going nicely though. I have the IP posted above.
  3. Thank you for your reply Robert, however after fully testing it out, it's pretty intense to run and some of the mods are really...dumb haha. So i thought about incorporating some of the mods in it that are very cool indeed as i posted above and maybe just expanding tekkit lite *as long as it's compatible of course*
  4. Also i do have some mods i have on my agenda for this weekend that will be added and any feedback *good or bad* is welcomed: Server side: Precious stones Server and Client side *will be doing a custom zip for everyone* Twilight Forest Forestry Railcraft *and possibly a few more*
  5. Alright everyone, last update. Due to issues on the VM i don't want to see you guys not being able to get on for hours on end because of random issues. So i put the server back on my computer for the time being to ensure the server stays up. Only time the server will be down is if my ISP has issues which usually isn't to often *knocks on wood* There may be a little bit of lag but it beats it being off for hours on end and constant lag. Please refrain from using the /home and /bed command while in the nether for instance. Sorry again everyone for all the issues that have happened and I am doing my best to bring things back the way they were so you guys can play. Future plans: I do want to move this server to a real hosting provider. I will be opening up donations and perks will be coming soon for it. The goal on donations will be $50 a month to have a nice hosted server. Donations perks will include: 1. Precious stones WILL be installed this weekend and by donating you will be givin even more land to claim for yourself instantly. 2. Higher rank *not an op but something above member* that will give you a few more abilities regular members don't have such as more than one /set home options etc. 3. I am always open for ideas so if there is something you have an idea that you want and you want to donate to the server i am all ears for you. If you are interested in donating please get ahold of me via forums here or in game and we can talk. Server IP: and it will be staying that way till i acquire a real professional host for the server. Once again thank you EVERYONE for your patience and loyalty, specifically i would like to point out 4belux, Lach and Robert for being 3 very loyal people during this entire ordeal.
  6. I'm also thinking about switching from tekkit lite to For the Beast Ultimate, anyone care to input there thought's on it? *From my community on the server* I would love for my community to also try it out too. It has soooo much more than tekkit lite even.
  7. Server is currently up on the same IP. IP may be changing soon. Thank you everyone for your patience!
  8. My apologies everyone, we ran into a major error. The server will be down for a while. The world file is still safe and everything. I will keep updates posted here.
  9. I do not have thaumcraft or XLBiomes installed. Make sure your tekkit lite launcher is up to date first. I'd delete your old launcher and get a fresh new one. Then Make sure your tekkit lite is 0.6.1 and then your set.
  10. I am aware of the server issues, will be working on resolving them asap. It is back up currently.
  11. FYI for everyone. After doing further research, and verifiying certain things. *The line in general is a 1gig* VM download rate: 100+ MB Upload rate 20+ MB 5 gigs of ram devoted with 4 cores devoted and a 3.30 ghz processor The machine isn't the reason why were all getting the *timed out* dealio. After going through forums, i've read on most that it has to do with the authentication from Mojangs side. They may be having some issues atm perhaps. But from what i read that is the reason why.
  12. Sorry, some reason I'm getting crashes on it and when i get some free time here gonna try to figure out what's causing it, i got it back up and going now, sorry about that :/
  13. deathscythe_35 and SquirtleMaster you both have been whitelisted, have fun (:
  14. Server is back up! Had a small complication that i believe was the reason for the close socket connections: We had java update 17 and java update 17 (64 bit) on the VM and i believe they were conflicting each other. We also did a reboot on the machine to install some updates. Hopefully everything is better now. Thanks for your patience everyone!
  15. Thank you for letting me know, i will be looking into it. I been having that issue as well. I'm going to get in touch with the VM's hoster and see if there java is acting up or not up to date. Doing some server resets every once in a while has been helping it out a lot. I'm doing that for the time being.
  16. That's actually why I edited it haha. I realized when i post that it looked as if i was referring to the owner which i wasn't so i made sure i put who i was referring to. Thank you for handling it Torezu.
  17. Don't ever advertise your server in my server thread ever again. I don't know how desperate you are to get people in your server but i wouldn't advise you doing it again. Thanks. *edit* this is directed to your supposedly new mod member fargarfunkle112. Not really a good impression your making with your newest mod member. You been warned.
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