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Everything posted by Cisien

  1. Computers (turtles in my case) leave behind orphaned threads every time they are moved. Here's a thread dump after running my miner for about 5 minutes: http://puu.sh/54oHm.txt I suspect what's happening is the computer never gets a chance to return from the script and clean up used resources. The script: http://puu.sh/54oRm.txt edit: the startup script that runs this includes an os.sleep(0.7) call before running the above script. The frame machine (template carridges) http://puu.sh/52ysb After running for 1000+ blocks the server is nearly unresponsive, and there are 4000-5000+ orphaned threads (named similar to Coroutine-####) in the waiting state. http://puu.sh/54mTF
  2. The billund blocks disapear when they are placed on frames and moved. Chickenbones' WR-CBE receivers disapear, and the server console displays a stack trace every few minutes: http://puu.sh/48GgN.txt
  3. We use a turtle programmed to plat saplings, and chop down the rubber trees 1 block at a time, it eats some of the leaves, and sucks up the saplings that drop occasionally. The turtle finishes it's route, drops off the product in a chest, and a logistics chassis with an extractor module takes that wood from the chest and deposits it into our storage.
  4. We have expanded this setup to include Auto crafting table Mk2 (Which doesn't need a satellite pipe, AND it can use the multi-use items, such as the saw or minium stone!) We're up to a RoutingTableSize of 1033 After switching out the big hitters (Macerators, mostly) with crafting MK3 pipes we've eliminated all but the initial request lag. We still have a HUGE problem when it comes to making any change to the LP network, it takes upwards of a minute for the server to return to normal after we make any change. Does anyone have any tips on tweaking the server, or the LP network for performance? We don't have any long runs of basic pipe, all of our LP blocks are either crafting, chassis, suppliers, or providers. There are a few basics thrown in there between stone pipe runs for anything that needs distance. We use phased transport pipes to help close the distance gap between each bank of machines.
  5. Auto crafting table Mk2 Place the stone in the bottom row place the recipe in the crafting table use Logistics Pipes/Crafting Pipe configure the crafting pipe with only 4 gold for the input, and 1 diamond for the output (repeat for the 'lesser' materials)
  6. I've seen in other posts, people delete everything except their world, reinstall, and it fixes most problems. RedPower is broken, according to this log.
  7. You can use a deployer to fill buckets with lava from a tank, then pipe them to an ender chest. On the overworld side, you can either use a deployer to dump these buckets into a 2x deep 3x square pit, and use a pump to bring this lava back up and store it in tanks. Or, (I haven't done this before) use a liquid transposer from thermal expansion to take the buckets and fill up your tanks.
  8. I'm just curious what other folks have built. Myself, and a few friends just got done re-building our crafting network and ended up with a RoutingTableSize of 825 We are close to about 512 crafting tables (about 1/2 populated so far), 128 of those have Satellite pipes hanging off of the back. 69 machines (macerators, furnaces, etc) and a bunch of machines handling automation (farming, trees, animals, etc) All of this is tied together with a phased transport pipe array, of 25 phased transport pipes. We're using the Black Hole chest for storage, Requestor Mk2, and Remote Requestors + Ender Pouches to top everything off. Even have a charging bench in the network to keep them jetpacks topped off.
  9. You initially WANT water in your quarry. This will turn lava, which the quarry will skip over into obsidian and stone, which the quarry can handle. To remove it, just fill in the source blocks. I did this by hand in a 64x64 quarry, and only spent about an hour swimming around with a few stacks of cobble blocking up the source blocks. You also have the wand of cooling in factorization. This can be used to turn source water into ice, push back flowing water or lava, or lava to obsidian
  10. I have run into problems where the harvester does not reach the top of the huge tree that is grown. Place water or cobble to prevent the planter from trying to plant it 3x3
  11. One of the main features that I miss from Tekkit Classic after moving to Tekkit Lite, is the lack of CCSensors. The project has since evolved, and is now OpenCCSensors. https://github.com/Cloudhunter/OpenCCSensors Please add this mod to the next version of tekkit lite! (I know, I can add it manually, but having it in the mod pack will only lead to better support and even more amazing use of the mod!) Here's a video of OpenCCSensors in action: http://www.youtube.com/embed/i8Bv7uKkIOM And some other forum posts about the mod: http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/5996-146-cc-148-openccsensors/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1625886-openccsensors-013-146/
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