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About xSavage22x

  • Birthday 03/11/1990

xSavage22x's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. just as an added comment to any previous ones i have made: the custom biomes make this server very unique and entertaining but complex, now the complexity is what intrigues me the most. Instead of everything being so easy to find, you actually have to think and hunt things down which causes you to branch out further and discover new things. The creativity some people have is a great thing when you happen upon someone's place randomly and enjoy their work. Good job MJ and everyone else that plays on this server with me.
  2. i dont care what anyone has been saying whether its ratings or word of mouth or fingers as it were tekventures is the best server i have come across the players are all friendly and helpful as much as they can be for a pvp greifing server i have checked out several other servers but none compare all the people who have talked badly about this server im guessing are just hating because they didnt have the brilliance to come up with an ideas as good as this or are too retarded to figure out how to properly work tekkit if you have something bad to say go shove it and learn to enjoy ive donated personally to keep this server running and i plan to make several more its worth it by far
  3. been having a lot of fun on this server ive tried a couple others but nothing compares to this server i only wish i had money to donate and help out sorry mj as soon as i get the funds to donate i will
  4. ive had a lot of fun with all the added features of tekkit thanks guys for making gameplay a lot more fun
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