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  • Birthday 11/25/1997

JPBLUEVIPER's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hello, I am interested in playing tekkit with you and whoever you choose. I like playing to use every aspect of tekkit, not just IC2 and buildcraft. I am good at coordinating people and getting people online at the same time. I like being helpful. Played minecraft and tekkit for over two years now. I love setting up forcefields, complicated logistics pipes systems, and other cool stuff like that. I would say, since you mentioned the yogscast, that I am more of a "Duncan-like" player. I like playing with others and work well in a team. I am 15 and live in california(Pacific Standard Time). My IGN is JPBLUEVIPER. I would also be interested in creating a steam group for the people that make the final cut, if I make it. I am good with server files and computer tech support in setting up the server and plugin config files. Hope to play with you soon.
  2. Hello, I am interested in getting on as a moderator or administrator. I am kind of over playing survival tekkit myself but love to help others with theirs. I know almost everything about tekkit lite and have done considerable amounts of experimenting. I would love to help people on the server without having to actually play survival, because I have gone through that routine so many times. I can help with things like the public power grid you mentioned in your first post and am good at making things like public resources secure and automatic. Reply if you would like me to join.
  3. I am familiar with tekkit lite but not so much with its server plugins. I am familiar with bukkit plugins, but not how to install them to tekkit lite. I can however, answer your second question. Forge is the plugin that makes all the mods work together. It keeps ores from one mod from conflicting with ores from other mods with the same ore name. It helps prevent item id conflict. It makes IC2 tin work with tin from other mods. Get it now?
  4. Try using the ChestShops plugin. It is compatible with the iron chests mod and works with modded items because it is based on signs. You place a sign on any side adjacent to the chest. The first line of the sign leave blank. This will be automatically filled with your user name. If you want to make an unlimited shop, eg; a public mall, write "admin on the first line. The second line is how many of the item will be bought/sold per click. Just write the number(64=a stack). third line is written like this: B (how much you want to sell the items for) S (how much you want to buy items from players for) but without the parentheses. fourth line is the item you want to sell. For vanilla items, type the name. For Tekkit items type the item ID.
  5. IGN: JPBLUEVIPER Reason: I am familiar with all aspects of tekkit lite. I know how to be good to a server, would never grief, and love to help people and answer questions. I like small community servers. Also, after reading the other pages of this thread I see that you are a good admin and active member. I really dislike abusive admins. I do not mind a buggy server or the occasional map reset; it gives me the chance to figure things out, work around problems, and start afresh now and then. Hoping to be whitelisted soon. I love making my bases aesthetically pleasing. Message me if you are interested in seeing a world I have been working on. I don't mind putting in time to make things look good.
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