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About Leophard
- Birthday 07/10/1991
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Grass (2/9)
I currently have four Stirling Engines directly powering a Quarry, fueled with Lava Buckets and activated with three levers located under the three engines on the sides. The fourth engine is placed under the Quarry block, and an Iron Chest is placed on top. For some reason, every time I activate the engines, after a couple of minutes three of them stop, turn black and begin to smoke. I presume this is what happens when Stirling Engines overheat. At first I read on the Tekkit Lite wiki that a constant incoming stream of Coal could overheat the engines, so I switched from using Coal to using Lava Buckets. This however did not solve the problem, even though the Tekkit Lite wiki specifically states that Stirling Engines should never overheat if fueled with Lava Buckets. There does not seem to be a specific pattern in which engines overheat either; In five separate tries, each time three random engines overheated and one random engine continued to work. This did not seem to be determined by the order in which I fueled the engines either. Included are some screenshots to more accurately depict my Quarry. I hope somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong!
Age: 22 IGN: Leophard Time Zone: GMT+2 (Amsterdam) How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Beta patch 1.1. How long have you been playing Tekkit?: I've played classic Tekkit for a very long time, but I have limited experience with this version. I think altogether I might have played it for one months so far. Do you like any video games other than Minecraft, if so name some: I often play Rift and Team Fortress 2, and I'm currently working on my own project in RPG Maker VX Ace. How much time would you dedicate to the server?: I don't know. I usually only play Tekkit whenever I'm bored of Rift or TF2. Tell me in no less than 25 words what you can give to our server that noone else can: I don't know. I just want to have fun playing, and singleplayer gets lonely after a while.
IGN: Leophard Real Name: Rick Time Zone: GMT +1 Something about yourself: I'm a 22 year old Dutch college student, mayoring in Webdevelopment, who likes playing video games in his spare time. What language you speak: I speak English, Dutch and German. What do you want to do on this server: Well, basically, I want to play Tekkit Classic on a real server again. I just can't get into the newer Tekkit modes, and Feed The Beast just doesn't cut it for me. As for what I'd do, I'd probably build an underground Vault somewhere hidden. Perhaps get a small community going for people I can trust. Either way, I'd try my best to become self-efficient -- And perhaps I'd try selling things like Mobius and Aeternalis Fuel, or possibly even Black and Red Matter. Do you have a Youtube Channel: No.
I don't want to apply for a Staff member, but I do have a small suggestion. Either implement a /kit command to give a user a Golden Shovel, or change the required tool for area protection to a Wooden Shovel. Because right now, you just have to be lucky enough to find Gold before you can even protect your own buildings. One of the highest factors that determines poor server management.
In Game Name: Leophard Age: 21 Time Zone: GMT+1 Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes Amount Played (If Yes): ~7/8 months. Tell us why you would like to play on our server: I like playing Tekkit, but playing on my own gets so lonely sometimes... I want to play with others on a server, while still being able to enjoy every aspect of Tekkit, and without the risk of getting my items stolen or my structured griefed. Your server is not only relatively new compared to most servers listed here, but it also features a lot of the things that I'm looking for. I can live without Energy Collectors. Previously Banned from a Server: I have left any other servers that I have previously joined voluntarily, either due to connection problems, a poor community or the simple inability for me to connect to the server.
IN GAME NAME: Leophard AGE: 21 TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a third-year college student in Webdevelopment, and I'm currently interning in a company called Ace Group BV. I usually don't have that much time to spare outside of the weekends, although I do like to fill my weekend with video games -- One of said games being Tekkit. TIMEZONE: CET / UTC/GMT+1 EVER BANNED? IF SO WHY: I have never been banned before. I have been on other Tekkit servers, but they either shut down or I left voluntarily. TEKKIT EXPERIENCE: I have been playing Minecraft since early Beta, and I have been playing Tekkit for a few months now. Most of my experience lies in Equivalent Exchange and Industrialcraft, although I sometimes like to mess about with Buildcraft and Redpower as well. My experience with Computercraft however is limited, and I'm still working on trying to understand it.
Wish granted. However, because the grass is green, you don't notice yourself walking off of a grassy cliff into the ocean. You drown. I wish I could be the leaf.
Wish granted. The new launcher is here, but it's so unfinished and bugged that you end up being unable to play at all until the actual release date. I wish for a genie that would grant me infinite wishes.
When I first began programming in Javascript, I got an assignment to make an error message pop up whenever you pressed a button. It worked, but when you closed the error message, it re-appeared. Continuously. Until my screen was full of error messages. I was forced to restart my laptop, because I couldn't keep up with trying to close them all. To this day, I still have no idea how I even managed to make something like that happen.
Wish granted. Unfortunately, as you turn the gravity back on after a nice day of IRL Minecrafting, the sudden force of gravity on the dirt and stone within the earth causes the planet to implode. I wish for the power of Telekinesis.
In game name: Leophard Age: 21 Location: The Netherlands Are you currently banned from any servers?: No Minecraft experience to date: I have been playing Minecraft since early Beta, and I have switched to Tekkit a couple of months ago. I have experimented largely with Industrial Craft, Buildcraft and Equivalent Exchange, although I am still somewhat inexperienced with Redpower and Railcraft. My knowledge of Computercraft is still basic at this point, although I am able to make some simple things like a password-protected door or an alert system. A short paragraph on why you would like to play on our server: I have been browsing through the Tekkit Server Lists for some time now, and each time I ended up being dissapointed by the sheer lack of quality of servers without a whitelist. So, I decided to apply for a server that actually does have one, in hopes of actually finding a community that isn't awful. Yours is one of the first ones I stumbled upon, and it looks very promising.